37 Harmless pranks

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After the threat he made he had pulled a prank on Lukas and now it a war.

Philip pulled his phone out of his pocket"Right I'm getting some breakfast you coming?" Philip asked not really wanting him to so he could go along with his plan."I'll be down soon help yourself" Oh don't worry he plans to.

Philip literally runs down the stairs getting the breakfast boxes that he had found, hiding them keeping one out and started eating it loudly.
Catching his attention when Philip heard footsteps.

"I can hear you eating from upstairs" Lukas comes into the kitchen"Where's all the cereal?" Philip tried not to laugh with cereal in his mouth"Don't know I only found one"Philip says innocently munching on the last bits of cereal.

Lukas muttered 'funny' not catching on."Here I'm stuffed" patting his stomach"I wonder where the cereals went" Philip laughed hopping down from his seat Lukas gave him daggers."Really PHILIP!" He ran away from Lukas into the living room"Where have you hid them?"

Lukas demands"Your the one who started this remember"he bites his cheek"Well it ain't my fault your sexually frustrated from a little kissing" Philip steps back"And grinding you did it on purpose" Lukas ignored him"Find don't tell me where you hid it" Philip smiles.

"Well I'm getting a shower" Lukas nods smirking"What?" Lukas shakes his head forming a plan."Nothing....." Philip makes his way to the stairs yelling back"Happy hunting find me when you find them"

"Oh you don't know who your messing with Philip you'll tell me within the next couple of hours" Lukas talks to himself carrying out his plans.

Lukas lays in bed waiting for Philip to get out of the shower finally he thought once he sees him."You shower like a women" he comments.
"Thanks very much" Philip jumps on top of him"So you found them?" Philip shakes with laughter"Carry on laughing while you can"

"Oh I will don't count on that" Lukas kisses his lips quickly"Shouldn't you be texting Helen around now?" Philip nods in relaxation reaching for his phone nor finding it that's funny he thought"LUKAS! Seriously" he could have hidden anything else but his phone.

Philip raises his tone like Lukas had with him over his cereal boxes.

"Yes Philip can't find something?" Lukas looked at him"Ya think where is it?" Lukas looks questionably"Oh your phone well things do keep disappearing to day oh.... wait just like my cereal" Lukas points out unimpressed he loved his cereal he couldn't live without it.

"I'm not caving in if you think I will" Philip gives him a unreadable look"We'll see I just want my cereal the sooner I have the sooner your phone might turn up plus you'll have Helen and Gabe on your back"

One hour and thirty minutes later Philip finds Lukas pouring his cereal boxes onto his head the cereal came tumbling out"What the fuck Philip!"Philip laughs"You ain't good at hiding things really the top draw in the kitchen.... you wanted your cereal so bad I though I would pour it on ya"

"Like I said paybacks a bitch" yeah it is Lukas thought.

"Right we're out of shampoo and I'm in my pjs plus my hairs a mess because of you.... can you pop to the shop I'll give you some money Philip nods taking some money of Lukas finishing texting Helen.

"Be back soon" Philip leans in and kisses Lukas softly not wanting to now."Go the sooner you get back the better"

Philip walks outside and looks for his bike then he stops....I'm going to kill him slowly and painfully. I can't fucking believe Lukas has spry painted my bike pink Philip thought. Now that gives him an idea if Lukas loves dyeing Philips  bike so he wouldn't mind.....

He rushes to the shop picking up shampoo and what else was needed Philip looked happy with him self once he finished the task he walked in finding Lukas asleep on the sofa he quickly went upstairs putting the shampoo on the side in replace of the old.

He comes back down to wake his boyfriend he thinks he is anyway they never really spoken about it.

Philip leans down beside him and kisses him awake Lukas moaned into the kiss wrapping his arms around his neck Lukas flipped them over"I'm starting to like you staying here except for the odd pranks" Philip agreed reattaching there lips groaning pulling away.

"Go shower you stink" Lukas looks offended"Of cereal" Philip finishes. Lukas nods running upstairs.

Philip heard the water running and waited 15 minutes before....."PHILIP!" Oh how much he loves that sound.....being yelled not.

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now