131 Trap!

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Philip"Get out of there"

Sky"I'm trying to but he's in the next room"



All he could hear was Sky breathing into the phone then he hears a smash in the background and grips the phone harder.

Philip"Sky you there?"

Sky"PHILIP IT'S......."

Philip"It's a what Sky?..... Sky?!"

Sky doesn't respond and the line cuts Ryan's got Sky.

Philip runs down the stairs"Can I borrow the car?" Gabe gave him a questionable look"I need to go to the city Sky's having a crisis" he didn't know why he didn't tell Gabe but if Ryan was there he would only be putting Gabe in danger.

As soon as Gabe hands him the keys Philip makes his way to the city Philip tries to call Lukas and puts him on speaker but went to voice mail he stoped trying after the 3rd call and left a message.

"Lukas wherever you are come home please Sky's in trouble"

He knew Lukas would call and ask what's happening but he can't in case he makes his way to the city.

Philip now stood outside Sky's apartment and walks to her door on the second floor and sees the door half open he doesn't say anything in case and slips inside.

He walks straight to the living room after hearing nothing and sees Sky tied to a chair unconscious Philip taps Sky's face lightly she was coming to and slowly opened her eyes.

Philip removes the ties that held her locked up to the chair"Philip..... you shouldn't of came here" Sky breathes heavily gasping for air
"What why?" He couldn't hear what's Sky's mumbles"It's a...... it's a trap" how? He helps Sky to the sofa and sits her down slowly.

"What do you mean it's a trap?" Sky sips a glass of water what's on the side"To get you here..... Philip he's gone for Lukas" suddenly everything freezes and Philip takes a step back falling to the floor what feels like slow motion.

He needs to get to Lukas.

Sorry for the slow updates my account has been playing up and sorted it out now yay 😊

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя