117 Why'd kiss me earlier?

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"Are you serious the guy nearly killed me and your asking if I trust him of course I don't but all I know is I want him of of our lives so we won't have this hanging over our head all the time, afraid that he's gonna kill one of us one day" he took a breather.

Lukas sat down listening to Philip he knows he doesn't trust Ryan.

"I think we should tell Helen" Lukas states taking his phone out he grabs it"No we can't it'll just add to her worries" and he also changed his tune at one point he didn't want to tell Helen anything.

"Fine but we will have to at some point" he knows that he doesn't like lying to Helen.
"Right I have to go back to school" Philip nods walking over to the sofa he stops and stares at it.


Philips leaning back in his chair and Lukas is laying down on the floor.

"Why'd why'd you kiss me earlier?" Philip had been dying to ask since they sobered up a bit"What" Lukas asks."Because you wanted to or cause you didn't want me to tell"

"I'm not suppose to like you this way"They heard Bo Lukas dad outside demanding answers Lukas jumps up looking for something"shit" he said.

End of flashback

Philip steps back after remembering and bumps into Lukas"Hey you okay?" He turns him around to face him"Were we here once alone?" Lukas nods"We were drunk and we just talked why you remember something?"

Lukas asks sitting them down"Only that you kissed me and I asked you why'd you kiss me earlier?" He wants to remember that day it would be a lot easier than having Lukas telling him small bits.

"I kissed you because I wanted to and you thought it was to keep your mouth shut about the homoside" he looks at Lukas and he isn't lying he knows when he does.

"Oh and how did we end up here then?" Did they have a physical fight? While they were drunk?"Well after we kissed we went back to mine and starting beating an old car with a bat and Helen arrived and took us in"

That makes sense"Thanks" Lukas smiles for the first time since he got here after the argument they had"What for?" Philip takes his hand and holds it"For stopping me from doing something I would regret and for telling me"

Lukas smiles and kisses Philips forehead"It's okay" Lukas didn't want to leave but he had to.
"I've got to go" he understands"Go before they start calling" once he leaves Philip goes back to the draw and locks it so Helen doesn't find out someone's been in there.

Would Ryan call again?

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now