89 2am Cafe

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2 weeks later

Lukas drags Philip out of bed at 2am"Where are you taking me" Philip groans still grumpy at being woken at 2am in the morning."Here" Lukas announces once Lukas lets go of Philip hands having dragged him of the bike.

"What are we doing here?" He ignores Philip opening the door"Hey Lukas you alright Philip?" The women behind the counter asked.
"We're alright you?" Lukas makes conversation they must of been here before.

"Usual?" Lukas nods before taking Philip hand again leading them to a familiar table."So what are we doing here?" Philip asks again"It's a cafe it's a place to go to buy hot drinks" Lukas says sarcastically"I know that I haven't completely forgotten the meanings of things"

"Fine we used to come here exactly 2am in the morning on Thursdays" Philip takes in what Lukas told him"Why Thursdays?" Lukas smiles a thanks as there drinks arrive"Because your always full of energy you took me out of bed to come here the first time"

He looks down at his drink"I can't remember"
Lukas sips his hot chocolate"I don't expect you to remember everything" Philip tries his drink heaven he though before sipping more"No wonder I brought you here the hot chocolate is good"

Then a ladie comes over"Hey haven't seen you in over a month" Philip looks at her does she know me he thought"Philip Clare she's normally here as well it's just been me last month since you know" he nods understanding.

"Well I'll leave you lovely's to it enjoy" well she's  cheery"Is she normally this cheery at this time in the morning?" Lukas smiles"Yeah she harmless though" they continue small talk and finish there hot chocolates before leaving.

"When can we go again" Philip asks excitedly.
"Next Thursday" Philip pouts and Lukas puts Philips helmet on his head."Let's go"

Philkas falling in a different way MESSAGING BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now