Seven minutes in heaven (Cheryl x reader)

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Summary: You and Cheryl get picked in a game of seven minutes in heaven at one of her parties.

You had liked Cheryl for a while now but you never thought she paid any attention to you. What you didn't know was that she had been interested in you too.

And what Cheryl Blossom wants, Cheryl Blossom gets.

So at one of her infamous parties, she had started a game of seven minutes in heaven with the intent of you two getting picked.

After a few people had gone, she spun the bottle and it landed on you. You nervously got up as she led you to the closet and the timer started.

As soon as the door shut she pushed you up against it and kissed you. You both got lost in the moment and far too soon someone was knocking on the door indicating time was up.

As she was about to open the door she turned to you and grinned, "meet me upstairs, that is if you want to continue this of course."

You two walked out and because it was Cheryl, no one dare make their typical crude comments so they just returned to the game to see who would get picked next.

You noticed her going upstairs but you waited a few minutes before following after her so you wouldn't catch anyone else's attention.

When you found your way to her room you walked in and she was casually sitting on her bed.

"What took you so long Y/N."

"I didn't want to look suspicious, you know, coming up here with you and all."

She could tell you were still flustered from earlier so she stood up and put her arms around your neck and kissed you again, "don't worry, they are so wrapped up in that silly game no one will even notice we are gone."

She was right. You two went back downstairs after spending who knows how long up in her room and everyone was too drunk, the game long forgotten and just having a good time to notice you guys had ever left.

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