Being shy and dating Cheryl would include

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• Cheryl didn't even know who you were until you two got partnered up in biology

• Ginger and Tina made fun of how shy you were

• "Shut it, it's kinda cute"

• Cheryl would flirt with you all the time in class to get you to ask her out

• When you didn't she asked you out instead

• Everybody was surprised when word spread that Cheryl was dating the quiet kid 

• It takes Cheryl a bit to adjust to your differing personalities 

• She likes PDA but always asks what you are and aren't comfortable doing in public 

• Cheryl will wink at you or blow you a kiss during Vixen performances just to make you blush

• Cheryl is very protective of you 

• Anyone who picks on you will soon regret it

• "If you ever talk about Y/N like that again I will personally make your life a living hell you got that? Now scram you miscreants" 

• People don't really understand your relationship

• Not even your friends

• If you ever get insecure about how quiet you are Cheryl will do everything in her power to make you feel better 

• She tells you everything she loves about you and to not listen to what other people say

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