Ice (Cheryl x reader)

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Request: Cheryl x reader You're the only thing left that's important to me now

a/n: slight change in the scene where Cheryl calls you instead of Veronica and she doesn't fall into the river

In the span of six months Cheryl Blossom lost it all.

She lost her brother, her father, the respect that came with her family name and she even lost the River Vixens.

After news broke of Clifford's suicide, his drug smuggling business and his part in the death of his son, Cheryl grew distant.

You understood that she needed her space so you gave it to her.

Until one day you got a text from her saying that she was going to go be with Jason now.

Your immediate reaction was to go to Sweetwater River.

When you arrived you saw Cheryl standing in the middle of the frozen river.

"Cheryl!" you called out to her.

She turned around to face you and you saw the tears in her eyes.

You tried to go to her but when you stepped out onto the river, the ice below you started to crack.

"Cheryl, please get off of the ice," you pleaded.

She didn't speak, she just stood there.

You walked around the edge of the ice looking for the sturdiest spot.

When you found a patch that you felt wouldn't crack under your weight you slowly made your way to Cheryl.

When you finally got to her you grabbed her hand, "Cheryl please come with me, you don't want to do this."

She slightly nodded her head and you took the lead following the trail of footprints you made from before.

You were halfway to solid land when the ice broke underneath Cheryl.

Her foot fell through but you were able to catch her before she fully fell in and you rushed her to shore.

You fell into the snow, relieved that you had made it back off the ice and Cheryl fell into your lap.

You took one of your jackets off and put it around Cheryl before holding her tight as she cried.

"It's okay, it's okay," you told her.

"You're the only thing left that's important to me now," she muttered into your chest.

You kissed the top of her head, "I'm not going anywhere Cheryl, I promise."

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