The playbook (Cheryl x male reader)

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Request: Hey, can you do a Cheryl x male reader where the reader is on the football team and knows about the playbook? When Cheryl finds out about it, she thinks that she's just a game. Was she worth some points? She breaks up with the reader, but gets back together with him when she sees that her name is not in it

You were first introduced to the playbook last year when you made it onto the varsity football team. 

Chuck and his crew would try to get you to join in on the so called fun but you always refused.

When you and Cheryl started dating they pursued it even further, being Jason's sister she had been ruled immunity from the game but they wanted dirt on Riverdale's queen bee. 

After the incident between Veronica and Chuck, the playbook wasn't a secret anymore.

Cheryl angrily approached you at your locker in a currently empty hallway after Veronica told her about the book. 

"How could you Y/N," she said getting your attention.

"How could I what? Did I do something Cheryl?" you asked confused.

"How could you use me for some stupid playbook," she said upset.

"Woah Cheryl keep it down, how do you know about the playbook," you said quietly. 

"From Veronica, is that all I ever was to you, just a hook up to string along for points to impress the team?" 

"No of course not Cheryl, it was never like that I swear. I've never even participated in that damn game but I couldn't tell anyone about it or else they would have kicked my ass, you have to believe me," you pleaded.  

"We're done Y/N," she said storming away.

"Cheryl wait," you called after her but knew it was useless. 

Soon after, Veronica found Cheryl crying the girl's bathroom. 

"Cheryl, are you okay?" she asked genuinely concerned.

"How could he do this to me? It's bad enough to think that JJ was apart of it but Y/N? He used me," she said with tears in her eyes. 

"Cheryl, we don't know for sure that Y/N was apart of it, we can't even be sure that Jason was either. Some of us are breaking into the school tomorrow night to find the playbook. Come with us, you can see the book for yourself." 

"But what if my name is in there."

"But what if it's not."

When Ethel found the playbook in Chucks locker Cheryl searched every page looking for her name. 

She didn't find it.

The only thing she found was a mostly blank line next to your name.

All it had written on it was 'loser' scribbled in Chuck's handwriting. 

"He was telling the truth," Cheryl muttered to herself.

The next day Cheryl found you wandering towards the crowd of people watching Chuck and the other guys behind the playbook being escorted out of the school.

"What's going on?" you asked her.

"We found the playbook, Betty wrote an article about it and they've all been suspended."

"So you saw the book," you said faintly.

"Yeah... and I saw that you had nothing to do with it... I'm sorry Y/N," she told you.

"You don't have anything to be sorry about Cheryl."

"Yes I do, I was upset and I assumed the worst. I should have believed you when you said you weren't apart of their games," she sighed.

You leaned in to kiss her so she would stop apologizing.

You were both smiling when you pulled back, "Let's just forget about this alright? How about we go to Pop's tonight, my treat."

"I like the sound of that... Walk me to class?"

"I'd love to." 

You took her hand in yours and headed off to class, relieved that no one else was going to get hurt because of the playbook ever again. 

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