She's mine (Cheryl x reader)

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request:  You think that you could do a imagine where the nerd!fem!reader x Cheryl used to date and being friends since being baby's but Cheryl broke up with her without a reason. But every time the reader try to find someone new to date the person just disappeared so when Veronica arrive the reader make a plan with Veronica to know who is scaring people away for her. And Veronica can make Betty jealous.

written by Jasmine

Italics is a flashback!

"Why are you doing this?" You asked. "Is it because of me? What did I do? Cheryl, we can work this out."

"No, it's not you. We just need to break up," She pushed, her face unreadable. You scoffed, picking up your bag that sat on her bed.

"So you're just throwing this away? Thirteen years of friendship and two years of dating just out the window?" You asked. She sighed.

"I'm sorry, (y/n)," She offered. You shrugged, sucking in a deep breath.

"I love you," You started. "I'll do anything. Just please don't do this."

"I have to," She whispered, and you bit your lip.

"Okay, I guess I'll respect that. Bye, Cheryl." You marched from her room, wondering what you could've done wrong.

"Then you just combine the variables, and you're done!" You exclaimed, smiling as Veronica finished up the problem she was working.

"How are you so good at this?" She asked, causing you to chuckle.

"Math comes easy to me," You said with a shrug.

"Yeah, as does English, biology, physics, you name it!" She added. You shook your head.

"Oh shush," You teasingly scolded, sending her a smile afterward.

"You know-" Veronica was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. The two of you turned around, watching as Lucy, a girl you had been seeing, entered the room.

"Oh, hey," You greeted her. "We still on for tonight?"

Lucy had asked you out on a date a few weeks into the school year, just after you and Veronica had become great friends. Your "summer fling" had recently dumped you, and she hadn't wasted any time before asking you out.

"I uh, I just came to talk to you about that." She shuffled inside, playing with her fingers nervously. You furrowed your brows, before turning to Veronica.

"I'll see you at lunch," She said, grabbing her books and leaving the room.

"What's up?" You asked as Veronica left.

"I don't think we should do this anymore," She blurted out. You raised your eyebrows.

"What? Why?" You questioned.

"I just think you deserve better, you know?"

You quickly became confused, that was exactly what your last girlfriend had said when she decided to end things. It was all so sudden, and it happened when things seemed to be going quite well. You were reliving that breakup right now.

"Where'd you get that idea?" You pushed. She shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. I like you, but I'm just not good enough for you," She continued. You bit your lip, still thinking about how oddly similar this was to your last breakup.

"Uh, okay. I'll see you around?" You asked. She nodded, not saying another word before leaving. Veronica came back in a few moments later, Betty at her side.

"What was that about?" Veronica asked. You sat down, shrugging.

"She dumped me. But, it was weird. She said the same things my last girlfriend said before ending things with me," You admitted. You could see confusion flash on both girls faces before they sat down as well.

"That is weird," Betty started.

"Maybe someone's scaring your dates away, telling them what to say when they dump you," Veronica suggested.

You laughed, shaking your head at her.

"Yeah, I'm sure someone is so in love with the school 'nerd' that they're scaring away all my dates," You mocked.

"Could be, you're quite the catch," Veronica teased, and Betty tensed a bit. You pretended not to notice as she wrapped her arms around Veronica.

"Awh, well aren't you two just super cute." You reached over and pinched Betty's cheeks, causing her to laugh.

"You know, we could find out what's going on," Veronica added as you pulled away.

"How so?"

"We fake date," She said. Betty snapped her head up, glaring at her girlfriend.

"Everyone knows you're with Betty," You pointed out.

"Only our close friends. They can be in on it," Veronica continued.

"It's not a bad idea," You said, glancing at Betty.

"So we can act like a couple, and I'll let you know if anything happens," Veronica finished.

"Are you okay with that, Betty?" You questioned, and she quickly put on a smile.

"Yeah, of course!" She exclaimed, and you nodded.

"Well, I'll see you both in physics!" You called as you left the room, hoping that Veronica's plan would work.

"How'd you do on the test, babe?" Veronica asked, sending you a wink.

"Ninety-seven," You answered.

"What the hell? I got a sixty-four!" She exclaimed. "No fair."

"I got a ninety-two," Betty added, forcing herself between the two of you.  

"That's so good, Betty!" Veronica praised, almost going in to kiss her, but she quickly straightened herself out. "I'll see you at Pop's tonight, (y/n)."

You nodded, kissing her cheek.

"Are you sure Betty's okay?" You asked, sipping on your vanilla milkshake.

"Yeah, I'm just making sure to hang out with her whenever I can. She won't admit she's jealous, but I know Betty," She answered sadly. You nodded, shuffling out of the booth.

"I'll be back," You told her as you walked towards the bathroom, opening the door and standing in front of the sink. You and Veronica had been "dating" for over two months now, and she hadn't told you anything yet. It was possible that she had been wrong, and your breakups had just been a coincidence.

You shook away your feelings and adjusted your hair before washing your hands. You quickly dried them off, before exiting the washroom.

You stopped in your tracks when you saw Cheryl sitting with Veronica, a cold glare on her face. She had her back towards you, and Veronica hadn't noticed you yet.

"Stay away from her," Cheryl hissed. "Or you'll regret it."

"Why should I?" Veronica shot back, and you let out a quiet chuckle.

"Because (y/n) is mine, so back off," Cheryl continued.

"Didn't you break up with her?" Veronica asked, cocking her head to the side.

Cheryl paused for a few seconds, before answering. "Yeah, I did. But I regret it, So I mean it Lodge. End things with (y/n)."

"Fine, fine." Veronica held her hands up in surrender, before looking over at you. You watched Cheryl in shock as she stood from the booth, and walking from the restaurant. You made your way back over to Veronica, and she shook her head.

"Told you."

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