Crush (Betty x reader)

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Request: Betty finds out the reader has a crush on her

Whenever Betty was around you got those butterflies in your stomach that all the romance movies talked about.

If only you knew how to tell her.

Veronica noticed the way you would get flustered around Betty.

She tried to play matchmaker and get you to ask her out.

"Why won't you just ask her out on a date already," she asked you one day as you walked down the hall to your next class.

"Because she's not into me, she's been crushing on Archie for forever," you told her for the countless time.

"Don't be so negative Y/N-kins, Betty told me she's starting to get over Archie. This is your chance to tell her how you feel."

You reached your classroom and took this as your chance to end the conversation, "sorry V, we'll talk later."


Later that day Veronica and Betty were talking by Betty's locker.

"Do you like Y/N?" Veronica blatantly asked.

"What do you mean? Of course I like Y/N, they're our friend aren't they," Betty answered confused by the question.

"No B, I mean do you like Y/N as more than a friend."

"Well, yeah I think so," she said starting to blush.

"Good because they like you and are too afraid to ask you out." Veronica said boldy.

"Wait they do?"

"God you are both totally oblivious," Veronica sighed.


A few days later Betty walked up to you in the student lounge and took a seat next to you on the couch you were sitting on.

"Hey Betty," you greeted her.

"Hey Y/N, can we talk about something?" She nervously asked you.

"Yeah of course, what's up?"

"Veronica told me that you liked me, you know, in a more than a friend kind of way."

"She did? I'm sorry Betty, I didn't tell you because I didn't want to make things weird between us if you didn't feel the same way-"

"But I do feel the same way, I like you too Y/N," she told you cutting you off.

"You do?" You asked not believing what you were hearing.

"Yes I do, so maybe you want to go to Pop's sometime, like a date?"

"I would love to Betty."

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