To make a point (Betty x male reader)

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Requests: Could you please do a Betty x male reader imagine where someone flirts with the reader and Betty gets jealous/protective?

Hi! Could you do a Betty x reader where B likes R and visa versa and someone is flirting with R so B gets kind of possessive, but R is extremely oblivious lol. Thanx. Love your posts btw.

Written by Doc 

Jealousy wasn't exactly a word that people would think to associate with Betty Cooper. 

She always seemed like this sweet and innocent girl but when you two started dating she became slightly possessive with you.

You were completely oblivious when it came to other girls flirting with you, you just thought they were being nice.

Betty tried to let it go because she knew you were only interested in her but that changed when a new girl came to Riverdale High.

When the other girl first saw you she had thought you were cute so she introduced herself and asked if you could show her around the school. 

At the end of the tour you showed her to her first period classroom which just so happened to be by Betty's locker.

Betty was grabbing her textbook's from her locker when she overheard the girl flirting with you.

"Thanks for the tour Y/N," she said running her hand up your arm, "maybe we could get dinner sometime," she asked sweetly.

Before you could say anything Betty had come up behind you, turning you around and grabbed ahold of your collar bringing you down to kiss her.

The kiss lasted a bit longer than it probably needed to but Betty was set on making a point.

When she finally pulled away she glared at the other girl, "Sorry, he's already taken."

The girl walked away displeased at the unexpected turn of events.

You were still slightly dazed when you looked to Betty, "What was that for?"

"She was flirting with you, I had to show her who you belonged to," Betty said casually.

"So you were jealous?" you asked with a grin, raising an eyebrow.

"I was not jealous," Betty scoffed.

"Sure you weren't," you teased, "come on, I'll walk you to class."

You grabbed her hand and starting walking towards her first period class.

"By the way, it's kind of hot when you get jealous like that," you told her.

She laughed when she looked over to see you smirking.

"I wasn't jealous," she chuckled not even believing herself anymore. 

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