Wrong side of town part 2 (Veronica x reader)

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request: would you consider making a part two to "wrong side of town" where reader meets core 4 and they dont like the reader at first because the whole gang thing but then they come around? :) just wondering

written by Jasmine

"You didn't have to cover it up," Veronica said. "It's just me."

"It's just that I could be arrested at any moment, Ronnie," You countered. "Nothing to do with you."

"I hate that rule," She mumbled. You shrugged.

"We're dangerous people."

"Not to me."

"I'm not this nice to everyone," You added. She gave you a small smile.

"Can I ask you something?" She asked, biting her lip. You nodded, feeling your heart race.


She was interrupted by someone calling her name. "Veronica!"

The two of you whipped around, and your face dropped when you saw three teenagers walking towards you. Your hand subconsciously grabbed your wrist, fear replacing the peaceful aura of the evening.

"Oh, hi guys," Veronica greeted, giving you a worried glance. "What are you doing out this late?"

"We were just going to Pop's," The redhead informed the two of you, giving you a hard stare.

"Who's this?" A black haired boy with a beanie asked, his face unreadable. You tried your hardest to smile at them as Veronica introduced you.

"Sorry, this is (y/n)." She gestured to her friends. "This is Betty, Archie, and Jughead."

"Are you new to town?" Betty asked. "I've never seen you before."

You glanced at Veronica before answering. "Uhm, yeah. Veronica's been showing me around."

Veronica visibly stiffened beside you, her gaze shifting down to your wrist.

"Will you be going to Riverdale High?" Betty pushed. "I wasn't informed."

"Oh, no-" You were stopped by Archie reaching forward, grasping your wrist tightly.

"Archie!" Veronica hissed. You didn't want Archie to mention the tattoo; you didn't want to hurt him. Your eye contact with him was solid, and you were silently warning him to back off.

He didn't, and he quickly shoved your sleeve up. He dropped your wrist as if it were now on fire, and his eyes were wide.

"Oh my god," he whispered, and horror crawled onto Jughead and Betty's faces as well.

"You, you-" Betty stammered. "You're one of them."

"Guys, just let me explain," Veronica pleaded, gripping your hand tightly. Jughead was already typing away on his phone, and he pushed it up to his ear.

"Jughead!" Veronica cried, but you rushed towards him. You gripped his arm tightly, digging your nails into his wrist.

"Drop the phone," You growled, twisting his wrist back slightly. He stood his ground, which showed he was either incredibly brave or horribly stupid.

"No," He whispered, and you heard someone on the other line pick up. You pulled away, revealing the gun that was safely tucked into your waistband like always.

'Put it down," You mouthed, gripping the handle. Jughead obliged that time, pushing the end call button. Threatening Veronica's friends was not on your to do list, but you didn't have a choice. You would be arrested on the spot.

"Did you know about this?" Archie asked his attention now on Veronica. She nodded slowly, sighing.

"She saved my life," She started. Everyone's faces twisted into shock but they remained silent.

"There was this guy; he wouldn't leave me alone. If (y/n) hadn't gotten the guy to leave, I don't know what he would've done to me," She explained. You looked at your feet, squeezing Veronica's hand gently.

"You can't be in a relationship with her, Ronnie," Betty countered. Veronica scoffed, shaking her head.

"It's going to take a lot more than that for me to break up with her," She shot back.

"Well then what's it going to take?" Jughead asked.

Veronica shook her head. "I love (y/n), and I really couldn't care less what you guys have to say. She's so kind, and funny and everything you could want in someone! I don't want to lose her."

You couldn't help but smile, hearing Veronica's kind words. The other three seemed to be processing what she said, all three staring at the ground.

"I guess we should give you a chance, right?" Archie suggested, greeting your eyes with his. You nodded, chuckling a bit.

"I promise I won't disappoint," You assured them.

"She means that, she never does," Veronica added, sending a wink your way. You rolled your eyes at her.

"I think we could get to know you first," Betty admitted. Jughead shrugged, sending you a small smile. Veronica clapped her hands together, grinning. The five of you began walking, talking about anything until the sun began to rise. 

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