Out of town (Cheryl x fem reader)

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Request: Cheryl x reader: the reader is a huge power rangers Nerd and is an expert martial artist because of it. This information is unknown to Cheryl and the reader's friends the core four and Kevin and josie and the pussycats. Secretly the reader has been sneaking off to compete in martial arts competitions. One day her friends and girlfriend get suspicious and follow her only to witness her win first place and win a massive trophy. End with Cheryl calling the reader Daddy. Please and thank you

a/n: I've never written using 'daddy' before so hopefully it came out alright

Growing up you were obsessed with the whole power rangers franchise.

It inspired you to get into martial arts and you were a quick study, through out the years you mastered the sport and even started competing competitively

It started with local tournaments in Riverdale but the more competitions you won the further you found yourself traveling to compete.

You never told your friends about your accomplishments, you never even told your girlfriend Cheryl.

You figured they would find out eventually but right now you preferred keeping this information to yourself so you didn't feel as much pressure to win.

This year's nationals happened to be taking place in the big city near Riverdale.

Cheryl and all of your friends had been talking plans for the weekend and every time they suggested something, movies, bowling and such, you would tell them you were busy.

"You're seriously busy all weekend?" Cheryl asked you at lunch that day.

"Yeah I'm going out of town," you said casually.

"Where are you going?" Josie questioned.

"Oh uh just to the city for some... family thing," you muttered quickly.

Fortunately you were saved by bell before they could question you further.

You all went your separate ways except for Cheryl and Josie who had fifth period together.

"Have you noticed Y/N acting weird lately," Cheryl asked her.

"She seems a little nervous, must be the family thing she's going to," Josie said brushing off your behavior.

"All of Y/N's family is in Riverdale, she doesn't have any in the city so something else is going on," Cheryl said skeptically.

"Well we can always get the gang together and have a little road trip, see what's she up to," Josie suggested.

"Let's do it."

That weekend you made your way to the city for the biggest competition of your life.

You had been to the nationals before but never placed.

You trained all year with the determination of winning it this time.

You made it through the competition with ease and claimed your spot in the finals.

You knew your competitor was one of the best but you didn't let your nerves get to you.

There were so many people in the audience you couldn't even look into the crowd.

If you had, you would have noticed Cheryl and all of your friends there watching you.

They had followed you to the city having no idea what you were doing here, they just so happened to be informed about the tournament going on and saw your name on the list of those competing.

They were shocked to say the least but were able to catch your final match.

They cheered you on from the stands as the match started and soon ended with you as the victor.

The room was filled with cheers and applause as they rushed to you when you were handed a trophy nearly as big as you were.

"Y/N!" you heard a bunch of familiar voices yelling.

You turned to see them all with smiles on their faces.

They all took turns hugging and congratulating you.

When it was Cheryl's turn she skipped the hug and went straight in for a kiss instead.

"Alright, alright, break it up you two," Josie joked when the kiss went on for a little longer than intended.

"What are you guys doing here?" you asked surprised, trying to catch your breath not only from your recent fight.

"You've been acting weird all week, we had to know what was up," Kevin stated.

"Why didn't you ever tell us about this, how did you even get into martial arts?" Veronica excitedly asked you.

"This is going to sound nerdy but I actually got into it because of the power rangers," you laughed and everyone joined in, "I never told anyone because I was worried about disappointing you guys if I didn't do well."

"Y/N, we would never be disappointed in you. I would have been at every tournament cheering you on if you had told me earlier," Cheryl told you.

Before you could say anything else, you being called over by the tournament officials to take pictures with your trophy for the newspapers.

"I'll be right back," you told your friends.

You were about to walk away when Cheryl leaned in to whisper in your ear, "I can't wait to go back to your hotel room tonight and show you how happy for you I really am daddy."

You couldn't help but blush at Cheryl's words and she only grinned knowing the effect she had on you.

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