The hospital room (Cheryl x reader)

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Requests: Hey, could you write a cheryl x fem! reader, reader broke up after 3-4 years of a relationship and Cheryl attemps to sucidie and reader is early enough there to stop her and they end up together again ? (Sorry for my mistakes, I'm from Germany) btw I love ur stories. 

Not sure if youre comfortable with writing this but one where the reader is in the hospital because of a suicide attempt and everyone is there visiting her and cheryl makes everyone leave so she could talk to her and she asks her why and starts yelling at her for it but feels bad and tells her her feelings for her

a/n: for the first request I've already written about Cheryl and the river scene a few times so I just added the basis to the second request

TW: suicide mention 

Written by Doc 

You and Cheryl had been together since your freshman year of high school but at the start of your senior year you broke up with her because you had fallen to your lowest low and didn't want her getting hurt. 

Weeks later you woke up in a hospital room after attempting to take your own life. 

When Cheryl heard from Veronica about what happened she rushed to the hospital to see you. 

Archie, Betty, Veronica and Jughead were all there visiting you when she arrived.

She asked them all to leave so she could talk to you alone.

They were reluctant to leave because of yours and Cheryl's recent breakup but they agreed when you nodded signaling it was alright.

"What the hell were you thinking Y/N," she said raising her voice, "how could you even think about doing this."

"Cheryl-" you tried to say.

"Why didn't you ever tell me you needed to help!"


"Seriously Y/N, did you even think about how this would affect anyone else-"

"Cheryl!," you called out finally getting her attention, "I know you're mad but I really don't need you yelling at me right now."

Cheryl instantly regretted everything she had said.

"I'm sorry, it's just... I don't know what I would do if I lost you... for good I mean" she told you, "is this... is this why you broke up with me?"

You could barely look at her.

"Yes," you said quietly. 

"You could have told me it was this bad you know, I could have gotten you help."

"You can't help me Cheryl, no one can."

"Don't say that," she scolded, "I love you Y/N, your friends love you, you are so much more important to us then you realize and any of us would do whatever it takes to help you get better."

"I love you too Cheryl," you smiled weakly.

Cheryl sat down next to your bed and held your hand.

"I just don't know how to hang on anymore, it's all just too much," you confessed to her.

"I'm not letting you go so easily Y/N, I will always be here when you need me, whether you ask for it or not," she said gripping your hand tighter.

"Thank you Cheryl."

"Of course," she told you leaning and kissing your forehead. 

Where life was going to take you, you didn't know.

But with Cheryl by your side, the future didn't look so dark like it used to. 

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