Shy (Cheryl x fem reader)

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request: Imagine where Cheryl is the only one y/n is comfortable talking to because y/n is shy and insecure and people make fun of y/n for it and Y/n is the only one who Cheryl is nice to because of how quiet she is which makes everyone shook seeing how nice she is to her and it turns out it's because they're dating

written by Jasmine

You were minding your own business, attempting to study your physics notes. Your face had concentration written all over it as you tried to understand the math, ignoring all the students that buzzed around you. You naturally brought your legs up to cover your stomach and chest, nervously glancing around for a second. Everyone was with their friends, paying no attention to you, but it felt as though they were all gossiping about you. It wasn't uncommon for people to tease you for being socially anxious or shy, which was why you kept your distance from everyone. Except for one individual.

You gulped when your notes were snatched from your hands, and you looked up. Archie Andrews stood there, your notebook in his hands.

"Sorry (y/n), but the only way to get these notes back is to say something to me." He smirked, causing a few people to stop their conversations and watch everything happen. You could feel your hands begin to shake, and you were positive you were beet red. Every little doubt you had about yourself was flooding into your head, but one more than all the others.

You had always hated your voice; it was a huge reason as to why you chose to keep to yourself.

You shook your head, pushing away tears that threatened to spill.

"C'mon, (y/n)! Just one, simple sentence and these-" He paused to look at the notes. "Physics notes will be all yours."

You debated attempting to grab the book from him, or just leaving the room. You would rather fail the class than speak to Archie. You reached up quickly, grasping the notebook for no more than a second before he had once again pulled it from your hands.

"You tried," He teased, and laughter rang throughout the room. You were about to leave when a familiar voice called out.

"You think that's funny?"

Everyone craned their necks to see who was talking, their eyes landing on Riverdale High's "mean girl," Cheryl Blossom. You shook your head at her, trying to say it was no big deal. She ignored you, walking right up to Archie.

"Give her the book, Andrews," She ordered. He laughed.


"Give her the damn book, or you'll regret it," She hissed, moving so she was only inches from his face. He rolled his eyes but dropped the book into your lap. You grabbed it, before practically sprinting from the room.

"What was that, Cheryl?" You heard Cheryl's best friend, Ginger, ask her. Cheryl had texted you, saying she would take you out to make up for that incident. You had found her talking to Ginger, and you couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"What was what?" Cheryl questioned.

"Why're you so nice to her?" Ginger elaborated. Cheryl sighed.

"She doesn't deserve it," She said.

Ginger scoffed. "Maybe! But this is high school! No one who gets teased deserves it."

"So I should just do nothing?" Cheryl shot back. You heard footsteps behind you, making you turn around. You saw Archie, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica walking, but they hadn't noticed you.

"I've never seen Cheryl stand up for someone," Betty admitted. "Let alone for someone like (y/n)."

"It makes no sense!" Archie added. "People have been teasing her for years, and suddenly the meanest girl in school tried to make it stop?"

"Whatever, it's weird," Veronica added. You didn't have a chance to leave before they saw you, as Cheryl came over to you.

"Hey, babe," She greeted, kissing your forehead. You smiled for the first time that day, bringing her lips to yours.

"Maybe that's why." The two of you pulled away to see Jughead pointing at the two of you, and everyone else watching.

"Cheryl dating (y/n)? No way," Betty whispered.

"That explains it," Veronica muttered. Cheryl grabbed your hand, pulling you over to the group.

"Just know that if any of you ever tease her again, I'll break your nose," Cheryl informed them, a fake smile plastered onto her lips. The group nodded, giving you guilty smiles as they raced past the two of you. You turned to Cheryl, chuckling.

"You didn't have to do that," You said.

"Of course I did. Now, I promised you a date," She said confidently, kissing your cheek before walking down the hallway.

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