The vigilante of Riverdale part 2 (Betty x reader)

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Request: Can you please do a part 2 to the vigilante fic where Betty decides she wants to help the reader?

a/n: I started writing this and then drew a total blank on how to end it so hopefully it came out okay.

It had been a week since the incident.

You were back home and on bed rest even though you were mostly recovered.

Betty had spent every day at your house after school filling you in on what happened and helping you with homework.

You were relieved that Betty had never brought up your confession from that night and hoped she would just forget all about it.

But to your dismay, she definitely didn't forget.

"I want to help you," she blurted out one day.

"What are you talking about Betty? you brought me my homework, you are helping," you laughed.

"No I mean... I want to help you... with the whole... vigilante thing," she muttered quietly as if anyone was around to hear her.

"Betty," you sighed, "it's not safe for you."

"Oh and it's safe for you?" she questioned defensively.

"This is my fight, not yours. I won't let you get hurt because of me," you told her.

"Good thing I'm not asking. I'm going to help you Y/N whether you like it or not. You could have gotten killed last week. I'm not going to ask you to just give this all up because I understand why you want justice from the Serpents but you can't do it alone."

You knew with Betty's stubbornness she wouldn't let this go so easily.

Maybe she was right, one person alone can't take down an entire drug dealing gang.

"Fine, you can help. But you're staying on the sidelines alright, there won't be any putting yourself in the line of danger, deal?" you bargained with her.

"Deal," she said smiling, "now, give me some names to look into."

You couldn't believe Betty was this excited about helping you, but with everything that had been happening in her family, she probably needed something to distract her.

And maybe it wouldn't be so bad not having to keep this secret to yourself anymore.

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