Coward (Cheryl x reader)

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request:  Can I get one where Cheryl and the reader break up but Cheryl becomes very depressed and at a football game y/n noticed Cheryl isn't cheerleading and she finds her crying in the locker room and after Cheryl yells at her they get back together

written by Jasmine

You could still remember the day you asked Cheryl to be your girlfriend. She had eagerly agreed, kissing you passionately before saying she was just about to ask the same thing. The two of you thought you would be together forever.

But that wasn't the case.

Cheryl was under so much pressure. You had been understanding and tried to be helpful, even when she pushed you away. She had her reasons, but she was different. She was no longer the Cheryl that you fell in love with, so you decided it would be better for the both of you to end things. You weren't happy, and you could tell that she wasn't either.

Football games were something you always enjoyed, but ever since the breakup you hadn't attended any. That was until your close friend, Archie, made the team.

The stands were packed; it was one of the most important games of the season. You had a blanket huddled around your shoulders, cursing yourself for not bringing a sweater. But even when you were cold, you couldn't help but feel a warmth when you saw Cheryl come onto the field. You weren't over the breakup, and you weren't sure if you ever would be.

You couldn't help but notice that Cheryl wasn't her usual self, and her pom poms had barely moved since the game started. The other girls let out enthusiastic screams when the Wolverines scored, but she remained still and quiet. She had caught your gaze a few times, but would quickly look away whenever you caught her.

It was barely halfway through the game when Cheryl took off. She left inconspicuously, and you almost didn't notice. You hopped down from the bleachers, making your way into the school. You wandered the halls, clutching onto your blanket tightly.

"Cheryl?" You called, feeling more tense with each step. Dark, practically empty buildings were not your thing. You finally made it to the change room, and you poked your head inside. You could see Cheryl hunched over, her head in her hands. Her shoulders shook gently, and she sniffled occasionally. She suddenly fell to the floor, loud sobs escaping her mouth. You didn't hesitate to rush over, grabbing her gently and pulling her back onto the bench. She threw her arms around you, burying her head into your neck. Each breath she took sounded as though she was suffocating, and her chest vibrated with every sob.

You only held her for a few minutes when she had calmed down a bit. She pulled away from your chest, her eyes red and her skin blotchy. You were about to ask if she felt any better when a fist connected with your chest.

It didn't hurt, but it was followed by several more. Anger had replaced the sorrow on her face, and she let out exasperated breaths instead of sobs.

"How dare you?" She yelled, just as you grabbed her wrists to prevent her from hurting herself. "How could you leave me all alone?"


"You betrayed me! You said you would always be there for me!" She seethed. "You left right when I needed you most!"


"You don't get to do that! You can't betray someone like that!" She sputtered, yanking her wrists from your grip.


"Just don't," She whispered.

"I'm sorry, okay?" You exclaimed, suddenly overcome with guilt. "Just hear me out."

"Hear you out? What on earth could you possibly need-"

You interrupted her with something you had wanted to say ever since the day you broke up with her. "I was a coward."

Cheryl's head snapped up at your words, a look of surprise resting in her eyes.

"I left when things got too hard for me," You continued. "I left because I didn't know how to help you."

She still said nothing, only watching as your own tears built up, and you shook your head.

"I'm sorry, Cheryl," You finished. "I'm so sorry."

Suddenly her lips were on yours, one hand on your cheek and the other on your thigh. You were stunned for a second but quickly placed a hand on her lower back. She climbed onto your lap, before breaking the kiss.

"I love you," She whispered, wiping away some of your tears with her thumbs. "I always will."

"Will you be my girlfriend? Again?" You regretted asking the question almost immediately, and you braced yourself for the rejection you would receive. But you were pleasantly surprised when she nodded her head, smiling a bit.

 "I was just about to ask the same thing."

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