Being a Blossom sibling would include

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A/N: The original request was being Jason and Cheryl's little sister would include...but that was a long title sooooo here it is! If you would like a boy version please request so because I already have ideas for it! anyway hope you enjoy! also I did two versions because I had too ideas

Written By Lilia~

                                                 Version one

-Cheryl being over protective of you

-Jason Being your partner in crime

-Jason and you having similar personalities, both goofballs

-having prank wars constantly with him causing a mess in the house and Jason always taking the blame for it 

-Following in the Blossom foot steps, you are quite popular in school

-Constantly being hit on by Reggie, Moose, and Chuck, but Cheryl smacking them would make them shut up

-Everyone thinks Jason would be the over protective sibling but Cheryl actually is

-Jughead always calling you "Baby Blossom"

-Ending all your aggressive or mean lines with a bright big smile and an innocent voice

-Being seen as innocent but actually being a devil

-Inside you are a ball of insecurity due to the high standards you are meant to live up too

-You are a bubbly, happy person until someone says something you don't like

-Jason only becomes protective of you around your parents due to their mental abuse

-being the least favorite sibling to your parent due to your goofy attitude

-Chery forcing you to be a River Vixen

-Cheryl is the cheerleader, Jason football Captain, and you are incredibly smart, perfect grades

-Going to everyone of Jason's games and not because you have to due to being a cheerleader

-The twins telling you the plan so went in the boat with them

-Cheryl and you holding each other all night crying, when you guys found out about Jason's death

-Being interrogated as a suspect for Jason' s death

-Not helping the core four with their investigation but having your own, making it your mission to find his murderer

                                                 Version Two

-Sucking up to your parents and trying to be the favorite

-is the favorite which causes trouble between you and the twins

-"Cheryl, watch your step, because in this house, in this family, I make the rules."

-After Jason refused to take on the family business you step up and take over the business or be groomed to take it over

-Despite your cold demeanor, you actually are just  broken little girl who knew the only way to survive in this family is to either hide behind Jason like Cheryl did or stand up and take charge and become favorite

-Jason was the only one who really understood you and always tried to talk to you despite you rejecting him every time

-Cheryl and you always arguing

-playing the victim and hurt sister when Jason died but acting like it didn't actually hurt when near your family, but deep down it actually did hurt a little

-Being incredibly smart and winning spelling bees, debates, and awards to keep up the family name

-the night you actually found out Jason died you lets Cheryl cry in your arms, but the next day acted as if nothing happened

-When your father died you were most hurt, as you saw some good in him he showed to no one else

-that night you cried, but only because you were scared, and actually acted like the broken little girl you always have been, you cried because now that your father and brother died you where scared, not really hurt, just scared

-Cheryl held you in her arms that night but the next morning you once again happen as if nothing happen

-in the long run you and Cheryl became a little closer and burnt the house down together

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