Dance with me (Veronica x reader)

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Summary: Veronica gets jealous after seeing Cheryl kiss you at Jughead's birthday party

Veronica lodge was not a jealous person. That was until Cheryl Blossom pulled you onto the dance floor with her.

It was obvious that you and Veronica liked each other, well, to everyone except you and Veronica.

After Cheryl had lost her spot as captain of the River Vixens, she wanted to get back at Veronica and the best way she knew how was to use you.

Cheryl had been flirting with you all week just to annoy Veronica and when she noticed you walking over to Veronica and her friends she intervened.

"Y/N, dance with me."

"Uh sure?" you said as she was already leading you closer to where the music was coming from but still clearly in sight of Veronica.


"I don't believe her, you know Cheryl is only doing this to piss me off" Veronica said to Betty and Kevin.

"I know but it's Cheryl, what did you really expect," Kevin told her taking a sip of his drink.

Betty joined in, "besides, Y/N doesn't even like Cheryl, they're just too nice to say to no to her."

Veronica knew Betty was right but that didn't stop her from feeling jealous as she watched Cheryl dancing up against you.


You'd rather be dancing with Veronica but being with Cheryl wasn't so bad.

After a couple of songs your cup was empty and you took this as your opportunity to go talk to Veronica.

"I had fun Cheryl but I need to go get another drink," you tried telling her before the next song started.

"Y/N wait," and all of a sudden she was kissing you.

This was the last straw for Veronica.

She made her way to you two and pulled Cheryl off of you, "What the hell Cheryl?"

"What? If you weren't gonna make a move on Y/N I might as well," Cheryl retorted grinning.

You were standing there speechless unable to process what was happening as the whole party was now watching you guys.

"Cheryl you know I like Y/N, you're just mad that I took your spot on the Vixens," Veronica said angrily.

"Wait, you do?" you smiled at her.

"Yes, I do, now if you don't mind Cheryl, Y/N and I have some dancing to do," Veronica said taking your hand and leading you to another part of the room to dance.

The crowd dispersed and Cheryl walked away annoyed that her plan didn't end the way she wanted it to.

After a few minutes of finally getting to dance with Veronica you asked her, "so do you really like me?"

"Yes Y/N I really do," she said putting her arms around your neck and kissing you.

Now this kiss you enjoyed.

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