Secret (Cheryl x male reader)

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Request: Can you do a Cheryl x male reader where during an assembly or something of the sort, the reader takes the mic and professes his love for her?

For months now you had been secretly seeing Cheryl.

You constantly made up some excuses about why you thought you should just keep the relationship between the two of you but really you didn't want your football friends finding out and turning her into a victim of their stupid playbook.

You never agreed with the playbook despite their constant pressuring to join in on the game.

Cheryl had been fine with the secrecy at first but eventually she got tired of it.

"Y/N, when are we going to start telling people about us?" she questioned you one day in an empty hallway.

"I just think a relationship is more meaningful when it's kept private, I don't want people trying to get into our business," you told her.

"I know, you've said that a dozen times, "she responded annoyed.

"Come on Cher," you said kissing her cheek, "you know how much I like you, why does it matter who else knows."

"Because if you actually cared, you would want everyone to know that you 'liked' me," she said emphasizing the fact that neither of you had said the big L word yet, "I won't be your secret anymore Y/N, I'm done."

She walked away and you were left standing there regretting not telling her the truth.

For weeks she ignored your calls and you were miserable.

Not being with her made you realize how much you actually loved her and you would stop at nothing to tell her.

You knew the Pussycats were going to be performing at the football game that Friday so you convinced Josie to play yours and Cheryl's song.

The night of the game came around and you and the rest of the team were warming up while the Vixens cheered to get the crowd pumped up.

The Pussycats walked on stage and started playing a 'requested song for a friend'.

When Cheryl heard the song she stopped cheering and turned to see you standing by the stage smiling at her.

When the song ended you walked on stage and Josie handed you her mic.

You took a deep breath before speaking.

"I don't want us to be a secret anymore. I love you Cheryl Blossom and I want everyone to know. I'm sorry it took me so long to figure it out."

You gave the mic back and made your way to Cheryl down on the track.

"I know I messed up but do you think you could forgive me?" you asked her.

She laughed softly, "Yeah, I think I can."

You couldn't stop smiling as Cheryl was grabbing your jersey, pulling you down to kiss her.

Cheering came from the stands and the Pussycats started their next song while you and Cheryl continued kissing.

You put your hands on her hips to pull her in even closer not caring who was watching you.

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