Adversary (Veronica x reader)

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Request: sub!Veronica x dom!Reader: beneath Veronica's tough exterior is a submissive girl she refuses to acknowledge until she meets the reader whose dominant nature causes them to clash in school. Until one day Veronica succumbs to her submissive nature and confronts the reader.

Veronica had to put her guard up when she moved to Riverdale since everyone in school seemed to know about her families recent shortcomings.

You however saw past her guise.

Despite the seeming mutual enchantment, being friends with Cheryl put a barrier between you and Veronica due to their constant clashing.

Even so, you wanted Veronica and you always got what you wanted.

You had stayed late afterschool to work on a bio lab and decided to get a soda from the machine in the student lounge on your way out.

You walked into the lounge noticing Veronica hanging some flyers up.

"Hey Lodge," you said walking up to her.

"Oh look, Cheryl's guard dog," she remarked taping another flyer up, "Cheryl give you the afternoon off?"

"Oh please, we both know you're the one whose all bark and no bite," you teased back.

"Really? Just try me," she retorted.

You grinned and stepped closer, forcing her up against the wall.

"If you want me to stop all you have to do is say so," you breathed out inches from her lips.

She took a deep breath before wrapping her arms around your neck bringing you forward to kiss her.

You placed your hands on her hips pushing her harder into the wall.

You stood there for a few minutes completely wrapped up in each other.

You pulled back when you remembered about breathing.

"Go out with me this weekend," you muttered trying to catch your breath.

"What will Cheryl say about you dating her adversary?" she questioned.

"Who cares what Cheryl says, I can date who I want," you told her boldly.

Veronica smiled and you pulled you back in for another kiss.

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