Unnecessary feelings (Veronica x reader)

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request: Veronica x reader : Veronica getting jealous when you tell her you have a crush on someone in the river vixens. Please and thank you

written by Jasmine

"Can I choose dare instead?" You asked, giving Veronica, Archie, and Betty a sheepish smile.

"That's not how the game works!" Archie exclaimed, causing you to groan.

"Could we not talk about my crush right now? Or ever?"

"We're your best friends! You can trust us," Betty assured you.

"Yeah (y/n), we tell each other everything," Veronica pushed. You cleared your throat, sitting up slightly straighter.

"Okay, god," You muttered. "I like someone, a girl."

A collective groan rang out through the group, causing you to laugh.

"Obviously," Betty mumbled.

"Could you narrow it down?" Archie pushed.

"It's someone in the River Vixen's," You admitted, a blush covering your cheeks. Betty clasped her hands together, a smile covering her face.

"Oh my gosh! I could help you out!" Betty exclaimed. "Veronica too!"

Veronica nodded, forcing a smile on her face. "Yeah, course."

You sat on the bleachers, watching your best friends practice the cheer routine. Every since you admitted to liking one of the girls on the team, Betty had forced you to come and watch their practices. She told you that it would "show dedication" and "bring you closer." You just went along, not wanting to shut her down.

You could see Betty and Veronica talking to each other once Cheryl let them go on a water break. Veronica had a scowl on her face, and she was waving her arms angrily. You were about to make your way towards them when Cheryl took the seat beside you. You smiled at her, beginning a conversation with the redhead.

"Why would you help them get closer to Cheryl?" Veronica hissed.

"I didn't know you liked them! Plus, how can you tell it's Cheryl?" Betty asked. Veronica groaned, gesturing towards the two of you.

"Look at them," She muttered. Cheryl had a hand on your arm as she laughed at something you had said, and you were smiling brightly.

"I see Cheryl flirting with (y/n), but that doesn't mean they feel the same! For all you know it's you, Ronnie," Betty started. "I mean, you are a Vixen."

Veronica switched her gaze back to the blonde. That thought had never crossed her mind, but she shook it away quickly.

"I don't think I should get my hopes up," She spat. "Not with you setting up (y/n) and Cheryl every chance you get."


Veronica stormed from the gym, gaining your attention.

"Sorry, Cheryl, one second." You jumped from the bleachers, racing out into the hallway. You made your way through the school, finally finding Veronica near her locker.

"Hey, Ronnie!" You exclaimed, making your way towards her. She turned to look at you, smiling.

"Hi," She mumbled.

"Did you and Betty get into an argument?" You asked. "You seemed upset when you left the gym."

Veronica sighed, shaking her head.

"I don't want to act like everything's okay anymore," She whispered.

"Then don't!" You exclaimed, grabbing one of her hands. "What's wrong?"

"I like you, a lot," She admitted. "And when you said you liked someone else, and you and Cheryl started getting close I just, I got so jealous!'

You chuckled, grabbing her other hand as well.

"Why are you laughing? I'm serious!" Veronica exclaimed. You nodded, smiling brightly.

"Because you're the Vixen."


"You're the River Vixen I have a crush on, Ronnie!" You beamed. You watched her face go limp with relief, and she let out a small laugh.

"Wow, okay," She breathed. "I feel like an idiot now."

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