Are you gay? (Core four w/ Kevin x reader)

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request: Hi! Can you do a Riverdale imagine? One where the reader is best friends with the core four + kevin and the reader is scared to come out as bisexual to them because they don't wanna be judged so they push the others away and one day they like corner the reader and ask what's wrong and the reader comes out to them nervously. And like the group excepts them so much and makes the reader feel so loved. Thank you

written by Jasmine

You loved your friends, you did. The six of you were always together, and you told each other everything. Which was precisely why you weren't talking to them right now; you felt terrible.

Hiding your sexuality was something you hated, you felt guilty for keeping something about yourself from your friends. It wasn't the fact that they would judge you, Kevin was openly gay, it was the fact that you were judging yourself.

You didn't want any of them to get the wrong idea; you didn't want to make them feel uncomfortable around you. And it wasn't like you thought that was going to happen, it was just that you had made up so many scenarios in your head that it was impossible to predict what the outcome would be.

You ate your lunch alone, scrolling through your social media feeds as you did. You could see your friends at a table not too far away, occasionally glancing at you.

"Did we do something?" Betty asked, feeling her heart race at the thought of you not wanting to be her friend anymore.

"Maybe they just need some space," Jughead suggested, not reading too much into your distance.

"Wouldn't they talk to us about what was going on instead?" Veronica questioned, rattled by the unusual behaviour.

"Maybe they just didn't see us, calm down guys," Archie teased, glancing towards you. "Hey, (y/n)!"

You looked up, eyes widening in fear. You hadn't expected for them to talk to you, and you nervously stood up. You raced into the school, forgetting about your friends and lunch entirely.

It had officially been a week since you had spoken to anyone. It was only causing your feelings of loneliness to progress, but you didn't care. Your friends were still completely unaware of what was wrong, which was all you could ask for.

"(y/n), wait up!" You heard Veronica call, causing you to speed up. The front door was only a few feet away when Archie opened it. Kevin and Jughead came out of the classrooms on either side of you, and Betty came up from behind with Veronica. You stopped walking as they all gathered around you.

"Why haven't you been talking to us?" Betty asked, hurt written all over her face. Your heart dropped, your intention was never to upset them.

"I, uhm," You stuttered, fiddling with your hands. "I don't want to talk about it."

"C'mon, you always talk about your problems with us. What's so different about this one?" Jughead questioned, leaning against the lockers. You sighed, shaking your head.

"I need to go, guys," You pushed, attempting to shove past Archie and Kevin. They carefully drove you away from the doors, shaking their heads.

"Not until you give us a reason as to why you can barely look at us," Kevin countered.

"Fine, fine," You muttered, chewing on your lip.

Everyone waited silently, making the entire situation much worse.

"I wasn't talking to you guys because I didn't want you to know something," You started. Everyone looked intrigued, but they allowed you to continue.

"I was worried you guys would hate me or something once I came out," You said quickly, watching their faces shift.

"Come out? What do you mean?" Veronica questioned. "Are you gay?"

You shook your head. "I'm bisexual, guys. I'm sorry."

No one said anything for a few moments, and you regretted saying anything at all.

"Why would you ever be sorry about that?" Archie asked.

"This is so exciting!" Kevin exclaimed.

"Oh my gosh," Betty whispered.

"I can't believe you didn't tell us sooner!" Veronica cried happily. "We all love you so much, (y/n)."

Veronica brought you in for a hug, and everyone quickly joined. You laughed, glad that you had told them.

"Now c'mon, let's go to Pop's to get some celebratory milkshakes!" Veronica suggested, pulling away from the hug and grabbing your hand. The six of you began talking excitedly, making your way to your favourite place to be.  

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