Rival (Cheryl x fem reader)

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Request: Cheryl x reader where after a river vixen practice someone shows up and goes over a few dances with Cheryl and all the vixens are confused as to who it is and why Cheryl is quickly kissing after dances them until they realize it's the cheer captain of the rival team and maybe someone confronts her about it??

Vixen practice came to an end and the girls couldn't help but notice the mystery visitor that seemed to appear out if no where. 

She greeted Cheryl hello while the other girls packed up their belongings. 

After a short conversation, Cheryl was turning the stereo back on and the two girls started dancing. 

The Vixens watched from the corner of the gym while their captain worked on routines with this girl. 

20 minutes went by and Cheryl finally bent over to turn the stereo off.

When she was standing up right again she walked to the girl, giving her a chaste kiss.

This took the entire team by surprise. 

"Thanks for the help Cheryl, I'll see you at Pop's later," they heard the other girl say before giving Cheryl another, this time slightly lingering kiss and walked away. 

Ginger, Tina and some of the other Vixens hurried to Cheryl. 

"Cheryl, who was that?" Ginger asked in shock.

"Oh, that was Y/N," she responded casually. 

"Wait, Y/N as in, Y/N Y/L/N? The captain of the Bulldogs? Who we are competing against next weekend?" Tina gasped.

"That's the one," Cheryl said still calm. 

"Are you two like... dating?" One of the younger Vixens asked. 

"Yes we are, do you have a problem with that?" Cheryl said raising an eyebrow.

Every Vixen present shook their head.

"No, of course not," Ginger answered, " it's just... surprising that's all. " 

"Well good, now that my personal life is all settled, if you would excuse me, I have to change and get ready for my date," she grinned before heading towards the locker room. 

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