Coma (Cheryl x reader)

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Request: hey! reader is in a coma (you be the one to give the reason) and Cheryl never left herself side. until one day she got tired of waiting and she soon gets into a relationship with veronica. when the reader wakes up and learns about this, she's absolutely heartbroken and Cher does everything to fix it. angst and sadness pleaseee

Sweetwater river seemed to be cursed.

One moment you were enjoying a day at the river with Cheryl and the next you were getting swept in by the current, hitting your head on the rocks and everything went black.

For six months Cheryl never left your side in the hospital despite being told there was a slim chance of you ever waking up.

Veronica was there comforting her through it all which eventually led to them being more than friends.

You woke up in a panic.

The last thing you remember was being at the river and now you in an unfamiliar room with various tubes connecting you to the surrounding beeping machines.

You were pulling tubes out of you as you tried to get up before a nurse stopped you claiming you were alright, you were safe.

You were still breathing heavy even as your mind started to relax as you realized you were in the hospital.

Cheryl arrived an hour later when she was informed you were awake.

The doctors had finished their initial tests and let you two have a moment alone.

"Y/N," Cheryl said with tears in her eyes, "I, I didn't think you were ever going to wake up."

"I'm so sorry Cheryl," you told her.

"Why are you sorry, I'm not the one who was in a coma," she asked confused.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through all this, especially so soon after Jason," you sighed.

Cheryl was silent so you continued to talk to lighten the mood, "But I'm awake now, as soon as I get out of here things can go back to the way they were before, just you and me."

"Y/N, there's something I need to tell you," Cheryl said softly.

"What is it?"

"While you gone.... Veronica and I started seeing each other."

You were devastated.

You awoke form a coma to find out the love of your life was with someone else.

"I think... I think you should go Cheryl," you muttered.

"Y/N please don't do this," she pleaded.

"Please leave," you said not being able to look at her.

So she left.

A month later and you were back at home, catching up on everything you had missed and trying to get back to a normal life.

There was a knocking on your door so you got up to answer it.

You opened the door to find Cheryl standing with a bouquet of flowers and your favorite chocolate.

"Cheryl... shouldn't you be with Veronica," you stated without thinking.

"I broke up with Veronica," she responded.


"Because I didn't love her like I loved you. You were gone for over a year Y/N, she was there for me when I needed her and I'm grateful for that but... she's not you."

"I'm sorry about the way I reacted," you said moving aside so Cheryl could come inside, "I've been thinking and I couldn't have expected you to wait around forever. There was a chance I would never wake up and it wasn't fair for you to have be alone."

Cheryl put the flowers and the chocolate on the table and walked up to you.

"Y/N, what happened between Veronica and I doesn't matter. What matters is that you're back now and I never stopped loving you."

You grabbed her hand, "Cheryl, can we just start over. Get to know each other again. Fall in love with each other all over again."

"Yes, yes we can," she said smiling before leaning in to kiss you.

Riverdale vol 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora