The meeting part 4 (Cheryl x reader)

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Summary: Final part to this series 

"Cheryl, can I talk to you... alone?" you asked.

Cheryl looked to her family and you looked to yours, none of them wanted to leave but they respected your wishes anyway.

"Everything okay Y/N?" she asked as soon as everyone left.

"Cheryl, I don't know how to say this.... I think it was your dad who shot me."

"You can't be serious, my dad would never do that," she said defensively.

"Cheryl I'm not messing around here. I know for a fact that those texts came from your phone. He must have stole your phone to send them to me and then stole my phone at the river to cover his trail. I don't want it to be, but it was him Cheryl, he was the one at the river," you told her frantically.

"Y/N this is all some kind of misunderstanding and I'll prove it to you," she stood up and started calling for her father in the hall.

Both of your families hurried into the room.

"Cheryl what's wrong?" her mother asked.

"Y/N thinks daddy is the one who shot them."

"What? Why would you say that?" Clifford asked with a slight worry in his voice, "listen Y/N, I know this all must be very distressing but I was in meetings all day. I was not the one who shot you or stole your phone."

"How did you know my phone was stolen? Cheryl and my parents are the only ones I told that to," you questioned him.

Your mother quickly took out her own phone and dialed your number.

When a buzzing came from Clifford's jacket pocket, Jason was the first to react grabbing the phone out revealing it to be yours.

"Oh my God," you heard both Penelope and Cheryl gasp.

"You bastard," your father stated before pushing the other man against the wall signaling the nurses of the commotion.

Seconds later security was separating the two and dragging Cheryl's father away.

That night the whole town was talking about the arrest of Clifford Blossom.

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