Dealing with bullies (Cheryl x reader)

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Request: Hi can you do a Cheryl x reader wherein Cheryl finds out the reader gets bullied a lot and she doesn't handle it well

Cheryl wasn't the nicest girl in school but she had always had a soft spot for you.

You never told her about the bullies you encountered because you thought it wasn't her problem.

One day she noticed a group of girls surrounding you.

She walked closer and heard them making mean jokes about you and calling you names.

Cheryl would not stand for this.

Politely tapping on the shoulder of one the girls the group turned to her attention.

"Excuse me miscreants, what do you think you are doing?" She said folding her arms over her chest.

"This is none of your business Cheryl," one of the girls said to her.

"Well you are picking on my friend here so I think it is my business. Now, I would suggest you shoo and never talk to Y/N like that again or else I'm going to make the rest of your time at Riverdale High a living hell," She scolded with a fake smile.

The girls knew Cheryl never made empty promises so they took off, reluctantly that is.

"You didn't have to do that," you shyly told Cheryl.

"Of course I did, what kind of friend would I be if I let them continue to pick on you."

You weren't going to argue with the girl who just stood up to your bullies, "thanks."

She intertwined her arm with yours as you two started walking to your next class, "So, what should we do this weekend," she started like nothing had even happened.

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