Not so dramatic (Jughead x reader)

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requested: Jughead x reader You and Jug have a fight while dating and break up, then Archie asks you out and you say yes. Then Jug gets jealous and you guys get back together in the end

summary: Reader and Jughead end things, only for Archie to ask the reader out that day. Jughead interrupts their date out of jealousy, only for the reader to forgive him and take him back.

warnings: one swear word (oops)

"Seriously, Jughead? I texted you six times yesterday, and you didn't even bother to respond once!" You exclaimed, pacing your room out of frustration. Your phone sat on your bed, Jughead's voice coming through the speaker.

"You're dramatic."

"You've said that at least four times during this-" You paused, glancing at your phone. "Half an hour phone call!"

"Maybe it's because you're dramatic," He groaned, and you scoffed.

"I wouldn't be mad if this were the first time, Jughead," You said, feeling yourself switch from anger to sadness.

"It won't happen again," He promised, but you could tell he was only saying it to get you off his back.

"You say that every time."

He only sighed in response, causing you to bite your lip.

"Do you even care about this relationship anymore?" You asked, not sure if you were prepared to hear the answer.

Jughead was silent for a few moments. "I don't think you want me to respond to that."

You pursed your lips, feeling your heart sink.

"So if you had an out, right now, would you take it?" You pushed. Jughead didn't answer.

"You want an out? Then here, I'm giving it to you," You continued. You heard Jughead take a deep breath, before the familiar beeping that meant the call had ended rang through your room. You sighed, shaking your head at the tears pooling in your eyes. You picked up your phone, glancing at the time for no more than a second before tossing it back onto your bed. You wiped away a single tear that ran down your face, before grabbing your backpack off the floor and walking right out of your house.

"Hey, (y/n)!" You heard someone call, and you turned around. You sighed when you saw it wasn't Jughead, a large part of you was hoping that him hanging up wasn't him ending things.

"Hi, Archie," You greeted, forcing a smile on your face.

"I heard you and Jughead broke up," He started.

"Is that what he's saying?" You asked, still unsure if you two had broken up.

Archie raised his eyebrows. "Uhm, yeah. Do you say otherwise?"

You quickly shook your head. "No, no. I was just wondering."

"Oh, okay, cool." Archie rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "Then I was wondering if you'd maybe want to go out with me?"

You blinked a few times, unsure if you had heard him correctly. Archie Andrews, asking you out on a date?

"I know you're not supposed to date people your best friend has dated but-"

"Yes," You interrupted, not thinking about your answer.

"What? Yes? Really?" Archie questioned.

"Yes, really," You said.

"Awesome! Uhm, I'll call you later!" Archie exclaimed, before practically sprinting down the hallway. You chuckled, continuing to your class.

Archie placed his hand on top of yours as the two of you sat in a booth at Pop's, enjoying each other's company. The two of you had laughed so many times that you were sure everyone else in the restaurant was incredibly annoyed with you, but you didn't care.

"If you could live somewhere other than Riverdale, where would you live?" Archie asked, and you cocked your head to the side.

"Probably somewhere like, New Zealand, maybe," You answered cautiously, unsure of your reply. Archie chuckled, shrugging.

"Never been."

"Has anyone in Riverdale ever been outside of Riverdale?" You teased, causing the two of you to laugh lightly.

"Having fun?" Another voice asked, causing you and Archie to glance at whoever had approached your booth. Your eyes widened when you saw Jughead, and you quickly looked back at the table.

"We are," Archie answered.

"That's great, guys. Glad to see you waited so long before moving on, (y/n)," Jughead scoffed. You looked up at him, shrugging.

"You're the one who took the out, not me," You muttered, shrugging a bit.

"Can we talk?" He asked, not giving you a choice as he pulled you from the booth. You shot Archie an apologetic glance just as Jughead practically force you outside.

"What, Jughead?" You asked, folding your arms over your chest.

"Do you like him?"

"Archie? Yeah, I guess," You mumbled, not too sure if you did like Archie.

He sighed. "Look, (y/n), I'm sorry."

"About what?" You questioned.

"Being an asshole," He responded, causing you to smile a bit. "The truth is, when I saw you in there with Archie, I just got so jealous."

"Why? You broke up with me!" You exclaimed.

"Yeah, I did. And I shouldn't have," Jughead started. "If you like him, I'll let you be. But if you still love me, please don't let that go."

"Of course I still love you, Jug," You whispered, placing your hands on his cheeks. He smiled for a second, before kissing you.

He pulled away after a few seconds, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Take me back?"

"What about him?" You gestured to the redhead who was still sitting alone in the booth, looking at his phone.

"I'm sure he'll get over it."

written by: Jasmine 🖤

Riverdale vol 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora