My hero (Veronica x male reader)

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Request: hey can i request a veronica x male reader where he's a serpent and gets into a lot of fights and she takes care of him?? i really love all of your stuff btw 

Written by Doc

Being a serpent practically made you prone to getting into fights.

Usually you were able to hide the aftermath from your girlfriend Veronica but sometimes it was hard to hide the black eyes and bruised knuckles. 

Veronica always took care of you, even when you convinced yourself you were fine.

Tonight Veronica had talked you into taking her to a popular serpent bar that FP always let you and your friends into.

You were playing a game of pool with her, minding your own business when another teenage serpent from your school started hitting on Veronica.

"Back off Johnny, she's spoken for," you said to the guy.

"You sure there honey, I know I can show you a better time then this guy," he smirked getting closer to Veronica.

"No thanks," Veronica scoffed. 

Johnny wasn't letting up on his advances so you stepped in between him and Veronica.

"You heard the lady, she's not interested," you said pushing him back slightly.

"Well maybe you should keep your bitch at home next time if you don't want other guys hitting on her," he said pushing you back a bit harder.

Hearing him call Veronica a bitch made you furious, without thinking you were taking a swing at him, hitting him straight in the nose.

Suddenly you were being thrust back into the pool table in a full out brawl.

The surrounding serpents were cheering you guys on, enjoying the show.

If it wasn't for FP pulling the guy off of you after hearing the commotion from downstairs, one or both of you probably would have ended up in the hospital.

"I think it's time you take your girl home," FP told you after Johnny walked away annoyed.

You fixed the collar of your jacket and grabbed Veronica's hand, leading her out of the bar.

You took her home and she convinced you into coming upstairs so she could help you clean up.

She sat you down on the couch and a few minutes later she came back with an ice pack and a wet towel.

You held the ice over your darkened eye as she used the towel to wipe away the now dried blood on your knuckles.

"Thanks for sticking up for me," she said quietly.

"I will always stick up for you Veronica, that guy deserved to get his ass kicked for even thinking he could talk to you like that," you said slightly wincing as she dabbed at the still open cuts. 

"My hero," she teased.

She leaned in to kiss you but you reluctantly pulled back when you felt the pain from your swollen lip.

"Maybe we should save that for later," you chuckled.

"I'll be right back, I think we have some bandages in the bathroom I can wrap up your hand with," she said getting up.

She returned with the bandage and began wrapping it around your fist.

"Thank you taking care of me Veronica."

"Always Y/N, always." 

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