Nerves (Jughead x male reader)

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Request: Hello~ Could you make a Jughead x Male!Reader where Jughead brings his boyfriend to his dad for the first time and is a little scared/nervous about it? Thank you~!

You knew that FP hadn't always been the best dad to Jughead but there was no doubt that they loved each other.

Jughead and FP had been working things out lately and they were in a good place at the moment.

Jughead wanted you to meet his dad and if it would make him happy, you were all for it.

"He doesn't know that I'm gay, what if he doesn't like me having a boyfriend. I only told him I was bringing someone special over," Jughead said nervously while the two of you walked up to FP's place.

"Juggie," you said stopping him, "It's going to be okay. You're dad loves you and he will love you no matter what."

"How can you be so sure," he said looking down at the ground.

You tilted his chin up so he was looking at you again, "because your dad is getting clean, for you Jughead. He's trying to get your family back together and you really think he's going to let something like you being gay get in the way of that?"

"You're right, thanks Y/N," he smiled.

You leaned in to give him a quick kiss.

"Now, let's go meet your dad," you told him confidently.

You walked up to the door and Jughead knocked.

FP opened the door with a smile on his face, "Jughead," he greeted, "and who's this?" he asked looking at you.

"Dad, this Y/N, my boyfriend," Jughead said nervously.

"Well," FP said with a slight pause, "it's nice to meet you Y/N. My son has good taste," he joked.

You laughed and smiled at Jughead while you walked inside.

It was a good night and Jughead realized he had nothing to worry about.

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