Differences (Cheryl x fem reader)

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Request: Being Veronica's sister and her finding out you're with Cheryl and them having to put their differences aside

It was hard having the two people you cared about the most hate each other.

You kept your relationship with Cheryl a secret from your sister because you knew it would only cause more tension between them.

You and Veronica had always been extremely close and it hurt not being able to talk about Cheryl with her, unless of course it was having to listen to her complain about the other girl.

It wasn't until Veronica came home early from a night out with her friends and accidently walked in on you and Cheryl making out in your room that you had to face your fears.

"What the hell is going on here?" she questioned you.

"Ronnie, Cheryl and I are dating."

"And you didn't bother to tell me because?" she said clearly upset.

"This is exactly why I didn't tell you," you said getting off your bed, "I knew you wouldn't approve if I told you."

"I just can't believe you're dating Cheryl of all people."

"Don't worry Veronica, I'm not too thrilled you're my girlfriend's sister either," Cheryl added in standing up as well.

"Will you guys stop it. I love you both and you guys just have to accept that the other is a part of my life," you said looking at them.

Veronica was the first to swallow her pride, "I guess it could be worse... at least she's not dating Chuck."

This caused Cheryl to laugh, "I can put aside our differences if you can."

"For Y/N," Veronica said holding out her hand.

Cheryl took the gesture and shook her hand, "For Y/N."

"Thank you, it really does mean a lot to me. What do you say the three of us go to Pop's for a late night milkshake?" you suggested.

"No way," Veronica said leaving the room.

"Alright well, it's a start, maybe another time."

Veronica poked her head back into your room, "one more thing, if you guys are going to make out can you please do it when I'm not home."

"We can do that," you said as you put your arms around Cheryl's neck, "starting tomorrow," you grinned before leaning in to kiss her.

"Gross," is all you heard from Veronica before you used your foot to push the door shut again and walked your girlfriend back to your bed never breaking the kiss.

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