Fears (Cheryl x fem reader) Harry Potter au

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request:  Slytherin fem!reader X Cheryl Blossom

written by Jasmine

You stood confidently as Professor Lupin glanced at you, preparing to open the chest that housed the Boggart. You had your wand at the ready, giving him a nod. He pulled the chest open, and you sucked in a deep breath. The boggart turned into a giant snake, making you flinch a bit. You lifted up your wand, aiming it towards the creature.

"Riddikulus!" You exclaimed, smiling satisfactorily as the snake lost its balance and fell back into the trunk. Professor Lupin shut it, giving you an encouraging nod. You made your way to the back of the line, watching as your girlfriend, Cheryl Blossom, approached it next. She turned around to look at you, and you quickly gave her an encouraging smile. She returned it, before nodding towards Professor Lupin. He opened the chest, revealing two people. Everyone's faces twisted with confusion, but you recognized them quickly.

Penelope and Clifford Blossom, Cheryl's parents. Pureblood Slytherins who only approved of you because you were a pureblood Slytherin as well. You had never enjoyed being in their company, and now you knew Cheryl didn't either.

You could see her falter, her wand slowly lowering. She stepped back from them, covering her ears as they shouted at her. She sunk to the ground, and you raced towards the front of the line again.

"Riddikulus!" You cried, not bothering to see what would happen to them as you crouched to the ground, pulling Cheryl into your chest. She wasn't crying, but she refused to take her hands off of her ears. You forced her to look at you, brushing the hair from her face.

"Hey, it's okay," You assured her. "They're gone."

She slowly removed her hands, looking up to where the Boggart had once been. Once she saw it wasn't there, she quickly stood up. She raced from the classroom, with you following immediately.

She slowed several feet away from the classroom, waiting for you to catch up before hugging you tightly.

"I made a fool of myself," She whispered.

You were rubbing her back comfortingly, shaking your head.

"No you didn't, Cheryl," You assured her. "Lots of other froze up too; it's okay."

"What if they find out? What is Jason tells them I couldn't even stand up to a Boggart?" She asked, pulling away from you.

"Jason wouldn't do that," You promised.

Cheryl shook her head, sitting on one of the window sills. You joined her, lacing her fingers with hers. 
"I won't let them do anything to you; I promise," You said, kissing her temple.  She leaned into you, giving you a tight-lipped smile.

"Thank you."

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