Family troubles (Veronica x male reader)

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Request: can i request a veronica x male reader where he comes from a shitty family, kind of like south side and is new to riverdale?? sorry if that's confusing lol

You hadn't been looking forward to moving to Riverdale.

Your father told you that it was a new beginning for your family even though you knew it was a lie, things would go back to the way they were before soon enough. 

They always did.

Your views on the new town changed when you met Veronica.

She knew what it was like to be the new kid so she happily greeted you into her circle of friends.

She was easy to talk to, you could talk to her about anything and everything.

You even told her about your shitty family which you had never done with someone before.

She opened up to you about her own family predicaments and you found yourself falling for her.

When your family was being too much you would sneak away to Veronica's, sometimes even spending the night on her floor. 

it started out innocent, you two were just friends.

But one day you told her how you felt about her and you kissed her and she kissed you back.

After that you were going to Veronica's nearly everyday and it was going great.

That was until her mom caught the two of you making out in her room.

She was happy that her daughter had found a nice guy like yourself to date but she had to enforce the open door policy whenever you were over from then on.

She never found out about the night's you stayed over but you and Veronica figured it was best if she didn't. 

You hated being at home and Veronica hated you being there just as much so she was willing to do whatever it was she had to keep you away from your family troubles.

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