Want you back (Cheryl x male reader)

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Request: Hi, I was wondering if I could request a Cheryl Blossom imagine with male reader where they are about to perform and in the locker room, she hears the others talking about her ex and they are sad that he's taken again but he's super cute and like she hears he has a new girlfriend, she's sad and jealous as she sees him and his new girlfriend at her performance and they get back together at the end? Thanks.

Cheryl breaking up with you took everyone by surprise.

People always thought you were the perfect couple but after the events of the summer she needed space.

So you gave it to her.

Months later you started seeing a new girl, it wasn't serious but word always traveled fast in Riverdale.

Cheryl however didn't hear the news until she and the rest of the Vixens were getting ready in the locker room before a pep rally.

"I can't believe Y/N is off the market again," Cheryl heard one of her teammates complain from the sinks as they were doing their makeup. .

"I know right, she's not even that pretty, he's so out of her league," another Vixen spoke.

Cheryl rolled her eyes at their remarks and went back to stretching.

She missed you but she wouldn't admit that.

During the performance she tried to keep her mind off of you, she had to focus on the routine.

Everything was fine until she saw you and the girl sitting in the stands.

You had your arm around her waist and she was resting her head on your shoulder as you watched the performance.

This broke Cheryl, she couldn't tell if she was angry, jealous, upset or what.

All she knew was that she wanted you back.

A few days later she walked into the nearly empty student lounge after school to find you sitting alone on the couch working on homework.

"Hey Cheryl," you greeted her not looking up from your book, but you could tell those cherry red heels standing in front of you anywhere.

"Y/N," she said, "so... I hear you're seeing someone again."

"Oh yeah... it's not really serious though, we've only been on a few dates," you clarified still writing out notes on the paper in front of you, "you know how people in this town like to make something out of nothing."

Cheryl didn't speak but you knew she was there for a reason.

"I can practically hear you thinking Cheryl," you joked finally looking up at her, "if you have something to say just say it."

"I hate that you're dating someone that's not me," she blurted out.

"Cheryl Blossom, are you jealous?" you smiled standing up from the couch.

Suddenly Cheryl was grabbing a fistful of your jacket and bringing you in for a rough kiss.

"What does that tell you," she said smugly when she pulled away.

"That you miss me as much as I miss you," you grinned.

This time you were the one to fervently initiate the kiss. 

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