Who's it going to be? (Betty x fem reader)

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Request: Can you do a imagine when Cheryl and Veronica both like the reader (female gender) and fight to get reader's attention but the reader secretly likes Betty

Cheryl Blossom and Veronica Lodge were natural competitors. When they realized they both liked the same girl well, things were going to get out of control. Fast.

For weeks the two of them had been fighting for your attention.

Cheryl had been showing up to school with extravagant gifts, inviting you as her plus one to exclusive Blossom family events where she'd let you borrow her most beautiful dresses.

Veronica on the other hand had been bringing you nice lunches everyday, your favorite desserts and taking you out to classy spa days.

The behavior from the girls struck you as odd but it never occurred to you that they were both trying to one up each other for your attention.

One day Cheryl had over heard you taking to Archie that you were planning on asking someone to the homecoming dance but she couldn't quite hear who the girl was.

Cheryl flaunted her way into the Vixen's locker room before practice sure it was going to be her.

She noticed Veronica and Betty sitting on the bench in front of their lockers and went up to them.

"So Y/N is going to ask me to homecoming." she gloated.

"What? How do you know?" Veronica said in disbelief.

"I just overheard her and Archie, she's going to ask someone tomorrow."

"That doesn't mean it's going to be you, if she didn't say your name it could be either one of us."

"Isn't this getting a little out of hand?" Betty questioned the girls.

"This doesn't concern you Betty," Cheryl stated before turning her attention back to Veronica, "guess we'll just have to wait and see who Y/N asks tomorrow, but I'm sure it'll be me."

Cheryl turned to walked away, "alright Vixens, practice starts now."


Both Cheryl and Veronica had been blowing up your phone over the last 24 hours trying to get in any last minutes persuasions before you asked who ever it was going to be to homecoming.

By free period they couldn't take it anymore and found you and Betty hanging out in the student lounge.

"Y/N!," they both exclaimed walking up to you.

"Hey guys," you greeted them.

"Who are you asking to homecoming?" Cheryl bluntly asked you.

"What?" you said taken by surprise.

"Cheryl heard you talking to Archie yesterday, you said were going to ask someone to homecoming. So, who's it going to be, me or Cheryl?" Veronica asked.

"I think there's been a misunderstanding-," you started before being cut off.

"Veronica and I have been flirting with you for weeks, if you don't want to hurt her feelings I understand, you can ask me later," Cheryl said with fake empathy.

"Wait, you have?" you questioned but neither girl was paying attention to you.

"Oh please, if anyone's feelings are gonna be hurt it's yours Cheryl. Y/N was going to ask me." Veronica stated.

"You guys, I wasn't going to ask either one of you," you said which finally got both girls to stop bickering.

"Excuse me?" Cheryl said folding her arms over her chest.

"Actually I uh, was going to ask Betty," you shyly said looking at Betty.

"Really? I'd love to Y/N," Betty told you.

"I don't believe this, she chose Betty," Cheryl said in shock before storming off.

"Well, I guess I'm happy for you guys," Veronica told you two before also walking away.

You turned to Betty, "Well this is kind of awkward now."

"Don't worry, they'll get over it. They will find something new to fight about in a few days," Betty told you, "I guess we should talk about homecoming now huh."

"We should," you smiled at her.

Cheryl and Veronica might not have the date that they wanted to homecoming but you were going to enjoy your night with Betty Cooper.

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