Good enough (Betty x reader)

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Request: Could you please do a fic where the reader is dating Betty but they don't feel good enough for her?

Dating Riverdale's resident golden girl wasn't easy.

She had the brains, the beauty, the rag tag group of friends and she had you.

To the outside world Betty seemed to have it all.

You knew Betty wasn't as perfect as she seemed, no one is perfect, but there were times you still didn't feel like you were good enough for her.

The two of you were having your usual Friday night date at Pop's after a particularly rough day and Betty noticed you seemed distant.

"Y/N, is everything okay?" she asked you.

"Yeah, everything's fine Betty," you said not being able to look at her knowing you were lying straight to her face.

"No it's not, it's okay you can tell me what's going on."

You tried to find the words to say but your mind went blank.

Instead you just stood up and walked out of Pop's.

Betty caught up to you before you made it to your car.

"Y/N, what's wrong, please talk to me," she pleaded with you.

"Why do you care about me so much? I'm not good enough for you."

"Of course you are, why would you ever think that."

"You get straight A's, you're on the cheer team and the school newspaper, you're beautiful and Riverdale's girl next door and I'm just... I'm just me, you're better off without me," you said with tears in your eyes.

"Y/N look at me," she cupped your cheeks, "don't ever think you aren't good enough for me, you are the only thing keeping me sane in this hellmouth that is Riverdale. I love you Y/N Y/L/N and please don't ever doubt that."

"You really mean it Betty?"

"I really do," she said pulling you in for soft kiss but you felt all of the emotions that came with the words she spoke.

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