Mistake (Cheryl x male reader)

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Request: Can you do a Cheryl x male reader where the reader finds out that Cheryl kissed Archie at the banquet. The reader eventually forgives Cheryl

There was no denying that it hurt when Cheryl told you that you couldn't be her date to her families upcoming banquet.

Her parent's had never been your biggest fans, they wanted their daughter to be with someone whose reputation better suited the Blossom family ties.

To add fuel to the flame, Cheryl told you that her parent's insisted on her bringing Archie as her escort instead.

You were surprised to say the least when you later found out Archie accepted the offer. 

You and Cheryl had hit the first real rough patch in your relationship as you were upset that another guy was taking your girlfriend to the event.

Deep down Cheryl understood but she tried to act like it wasn't a big deal, that her parents would come around to you eventually.

The night of the banquet arrived and you laid in your bed, regretting letting this fight go on for so long when there was really nothing she could do.

You threw on your nicest suit and decided to go to the banquet and apologize to Cheryl and maybe this would show her parent's just how much she meant to you.

You drove to Thornhill and entered the party. 

You got word from one of the caterers that Cheryl had slipped outside.

You walked through the garden, adjusting your tie when you reached the pool.

There by the pool stood Cheryl and Archie and it felt like someone had punched you in the gut when you realized they were kissing.

Archie was the first to pull back.

"Cheryl-" he started but she was too focused on you standing behind them.

"Y/N," she muttered.

Archie turned around to see you, "Y/N, it's not-"

You were walking away before he could even finish his statement. 

For weeks you received texts from Cheryl saying how sorry she was, how it was a mistake, how she just wanted to talk but none of them went answered. 

You were angry, but as time passed you started thinking about it more rationally.

Cheryl's always had a lot of pressure put on her by her parents to be perfect, especially after Jason's death. 

She never expected someone to care about her as much as you did and those feelings could be overwhelming.

Everyone's bound to make mistakes right? And one mistake doesn't make you a bad person. 

The next day you asked Cheryl to come over to talk.

You anxiously waited for the doorbell to ring and you were relieved when it finally did.

You opened the door and welcomed Cheryl inside.

"Thank you for letting me come over," she told you.

"I'm sorry about the way I acted," you stated.

"Y/N, you have nothing to be sorry about, I messed up, I kissed Archie and I don't even know why I did it."

"We were in a bad spot Cheryl, I know your parents don't think I'm good enough for you and I didn't make anything easier for you by overreacting. It really shouldn't have been a big deal that Archie was your escort, he was doing you a favor, as a friend, I was just upset that I couldn't be the one by your side, even if it was just for a night."

"I wish it had been you there with me, I wish I had stood up to my parents and brought you despite what they wanted. I'm sorry Y/N, for everything."

"It's okay Cheryl," you said bringing her in to hug her, "let's not dread on one little slip up any longer."

You let go to look at her once again, "Can we just, move on from this. Go back to the way things were."

"I'd really like that," she smiled.

"Good," you said before leaning down to kiss her.

It wasn't something you could ever easily forget but you weren't going to give up what you had with Cheryl just because of one mistake. 

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