Pep rallies (Cheryl x fem reader)

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Request: Hiii I absolutely love your Cheryl fics! I would love to request one please, maybe something like the reader (fem) surprising Cheryl at one of her prep rallying thingys

Your girlfriend Cheryl knew pep rallies weren't exactly your favorite place to be.

Usually she didn't mind but the Vixens were performing a new routine for the first time at the upcoming rally and she was nervous about how it would go over.

Even though she wouldn't say it, you knew she wanted you to be there to help her relax so you decided you would surprise her by going to the rally.

You were sitting at the end of the bleachers so you were in a spot you could easily leave after the performance but still be in Cheryl's line of sight.

The beginning of the rally was just as boring as you thought it would be but it was finally time for the Vixens to perform.

As they were getting ready to start Cheryl noticed you in the bleachers and you could see the nerves wash off her face as you smiled and waved at her.

As expected the routine was great and afterwards you snuck away to go see Cheryl.

You caught up to her in the empty hallway as the rest of the Vixens were filing back into the locker room.

You pulled her into a hug, "you were so great babe."

"Y/N, I can't believe you came to the rally."

You pulled back from her embrace, "of course I did, I knew you were nervous about the new routine and I just wanted to be here to cheer you on."

She put her arms around your neck guiding you back against the wall and started kissing you.

You reluctantly pulled away when you ran out of air, "wow, maybe I should start coming rallies more often," you grinned.

She laughed and kissed you one more time.

"Thank you Y/N, it really does mean a lot to me that you came today," she said starting to blush.

"Of course Cheryl, anything for you."

You still weren't a fan of pep rallies but if you going made Cheryl this happy maybe they weren't so bad after all.

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