Dog tag (Cheryl x reader)

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Request: Imagine where Cheryl and the others go with y/n to pick out a puppy for her birthday and Cheryl secretly has a crush on her so when she sees the reader interacting with puppies her heart kind of melts and gets all blushy and giggly and then Veronica and Jughead notice and kind of make fun of her for it and Y/n notices Cheryl being all weird after she gets the puppy and doesn't say anything and kisses Cheryl. Maybe a makeup free Cheryl because she feels confident around the reader? 

a/n: Y/P/N = your puppy's names

Written by Doc 

On your birthday your parents gave you a small box which held a dog tag inside saying it was for the puppy you were going to pick out,

Of course you had to bring your friends along for the occasion.

You walked into the gated area of the shelter that housed the puppies available for adoption and they all immediately started jumping on you.

One grabbed hold of the bottom of your jacket and dragged you to the ground.

The puppies started to crowd onto your lap as they all wanted attention.

You laughed, petting all the puppies, picking them one by one to kiss the top of their heads.

While your friends laughed along, Cheryl's heart melted at the sight.

Betty and Archie were too distracted by the puppies to notice and couldn't stop themselves from going in to play with the puppies with you.

Jughead gently elbowed Veronica and gestured to Cheryl who was smiling wider than they had ever seen her.

"I didn't know the archfiend could be so happy," Jughead stated.

"Is it the puppies or Y/N that have you smiling like that Cheryl," Veronica teased.

Cheryl scoffed trying to blow them off but they laughed when they noticed her starting to blush.

You didn't tell your friends that you heard what they said. 

That day you went home with a beautiful pitbull puppy.

A few days later you invited Cheryl over to play with your new pet.

You heard the doorbell ring so you picked the little guy up and walked to the door.

When you opened up you were surprised to see a make-up free Cheryl.

Cheryl wasn't exactly the type to go out without putting on her make-up on first.

"Hey Cheryl, you look great," you smiled.

"Thanks Y/N... how's Y/P/N doing," she said petting his head walking inside.

"He's chewing up anything he can get ahold of," you chuckled.

"As expected," Cheryl laughed.

Cheryl had been over for nearly an hour playing with Y/P/N and it had been a pretty quiet hour which was also strange for Cheryl.

"Is everything okay Cheryl?" you asked her.

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know you're just pretty quiet today," you shrugged.

Cheryl ignored your comment and just went back to playing with the puppy.

A few hours later Cheryl was getting ready to go so you walked her to the door.

"I had a nice time today Y/N," she told you.

"Me too," you grinned.

The puppy in your arms was getting restless so you let him down and he ran back to his toys.

You and Cheryl stood there quietly until you did something neither you or Cheryl expected.

You leaned in and pressed your lips to hers, she was taken back but easily relaxed into the kiss.

"What was that for?" she asked slightly blushing.

"Just something I've wanted to do for a while now," you smiled. 

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