Love at first sight (Cheryl x fem reader)

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Requests: Could you do an imagine that takes place in English class while they're reading Romeo and Juliet and Cheryl is explaining how ridiculous the idea of love at first sight is until female reader new student comes in and Cherry feels that Love fluffiness no regrets

could you do a Cheryl imagine with a romeo + juliet type theme... except... without the suicide and the reader is a girl?

Cheryl despised Romeo and Juliet, the entire time the class was reading the play she barely participated in any of the class discussions.

She rolled her eyes whenever someone would gush about how romantic the story was.

Clearly they haven't read the ending she would think to herself.

One day in class Cheryl scoffed when a peer start talking about the beauty of love at first sight, this got the attention of the teacher.

"Cheryl? Since you clearly have an opposing opinion would you like to share what you're thinking?"

Cheryl sighed and stood up from her seat.

"Romeo and Juliet were just teenagers who barely knew each other," she mocked, "they didn't love each other, they just loved the idea of being in love. You can't possibly fall in love with someone without knowing them. Sure you can fall victim to lust but love at first sight? It's just absurd."

A week later Cheryl was sitting at her usual lunch table with Ginger and Tina.

You walked into the cafeteria looking for a spot to sit when Cheryl noticed you.

"Who's that," Cheryl asked her friends with a smile on her face.

"Oh that's Y/N, she's new," Ginger responded looking your way.

Something in Cheryl clicked and for the first time she felt those butterflies in her stomach that everyone always talked about.

"We should invite her to sit with us," Cheryl stated trying to keep her cool.

"From that speech in English last week I thought you didn't believe in love at first sight," Tina joked noticing the way Cheryl was shifting in her seat.

"What, no don't be ridiculous. This isn't love at first sight I just... want to make sure she feels welcomed to Riverdale High on her first day," Cheryl rambled out.

"Yeah sure, well, what are you waiting for, go and get your Juliet," Ginger smirked gesturing for her to go talk to you.

"Remember Cheryl, under loves heavy burden do you sink," Tina laughed quoting the play.

Cheryl stood up with pride and flattened out her skirt before making her way to you,

"I haven't seen you around here before, you must be new," Cheryl said greeting you.

"Yeah, I'm Y/N," you told her.

"Cheryl, Cheryl Blossom. Come sit with me and chat," she smiled.

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