No strings attached (Veronica x fem reader)

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request: Can you do a Veronica x fem reader where they have a friends with benefits relationship with no strings attached but they both are secretly in love with each other, Veronica gets jealous of Betty and then they argue and confess their feelings to each other? Love your blog btw

written by Jasmine

a/n - and after a long week of homework, breakups, sadness, and work, I'm posting something! It's been way too long. 

You had gone over every possibility out there. Your head hurt from the realisation you had come too, and all you wanted to do was hit your head against your wall until these feelings went away. You were brought back into reality by the lips that were now on yours, and the tugging on the hem of your shirt.

Right. Veronica Lodge is here.

Veronica Lodge, the girl who was the root of your problem. Not that you didn't enjoy hooking up with Veronica a few times a week, it was just that this "relationship" you had was strictly no strings attached.

The feeling of Veronica's lips being pulled away once again caused you to flinch back into the real world.

Veronica Lodge. I'm supposed to be kissing her.

You brought her lips back, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her onto your lap. You could feel her grinning as she pushed you onto your bed, straddling your waist. You couldn't help but melt into her loving touch; she was just different.

This had been exactly what you feared when this first began; you feared you would fall for her. And you had, you had fallen far.

"What's up with you?" You hadn't even noticed Veronica now stood across from you, her arms folded over her chest. You closed your eyes, sighing. You had been hoping she wouldn't see how out of it you were.

"Look, if you don't want to do this anymore you need to-"

"That's not it, Ronnie!" You exclaimed. "I've just got a lot on my mind."

Veronica nodded, sitting beside you. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"It's stupid, really," You began. "I think I have feelings for someone."

Veronica's demeanour changed immediately, but she calmed herself down. Her heart felt heavy in her chest, as though it was going to sink.

"Oh yeah?" She asked. You nodded, chuckling.

"She's great," You added. "I can't think of one thing I dislike about her."

Veronica took a deep breath before responding. "Well, she'd be lucky to have you."

You had hoped that Veronica would be at least a little jealous. You had this idea in your head that maybe she had fallen for you too. But that didn't seem to be the case.

"Betty," You whined, leaning your head onto her chest. Betty was your best friend, and you confided in her with everything.

"What?" She asked, placing the book that she had been reading onto the table.

"I think I'm in love," You blurted, slapping a hand over your mouth as you did. Betty smiled, shrugging.

"You think so?" She asked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.

You nodded, sighing happily, just thinking about Veronica made your heart race. Little did you know that Veronica watched as you talked with Betty, noticing how happy you seemed.

"Betty?" She whispered to herself. "She's in love with Betty?"

Veronica watched as you and Betty grew closer and closer. Flirty comments or touches weren't uncommon, and Veronica was regretting suggesting a "no strings attached" relationship. It had ruined Betty and Veronica's friendship at this point, as Veronica couldn't even look at either of you without feeling sad or angry. You hadn't noticed, you and Veronica had never really talked during school hours. But Betty did.

"Can we talk?" She asked, approaching the dark-haired girl. Veronica sighed, nodding her head.

"I'm sorry, Betty," Veronica whispered.

Betty furrowed her brows. "What's up with you?"

"Do you like (y/n)?" Veronica countered, biting her lip. Betty was taken aback by the question, shaking her head.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because (y/n) told me she liked someone and you two have been acting all flirty recently," Veronica explained, all in one breath.

"We haven't been acting any differently than how we usually act, V," Betty carefully said. Veronica shook her head, scoffing.

"As if."

"I'm not in love with her!" Betty exclaimed. "And she's not in love with me."

"Then who is she in love with, Betty?" Veronica cried. Betty bit her lip, tears forming along her lower lash line.

"You almost ruined our friendship when all along she's been in love with you," She whispered, turning on her heel and storming off. Veronica didn't have any time to process what just happened, as you were now by her side.

"Hey!" You exclaimed, causing her to flinch.

"Hi," She greeted.

"So,' You began. "My house is going to be empty tonight."

Veronica smiled a bit, nodding.

No strings attached, right?

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