Home (Polly x reader)

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Request: Polly Cooper x dom!Reader: reggie's twin sister Reader was dating polly before she started dating Jason. when polly went away after getting pregnant, reader was the first to find her. Reader had been secretly seeing polly way before Betty found her. They eventually get back together. When polly escaped and stayed at the Pembroke, after the baby shower she went to stay with the reader instead of going to Thornhill. Please and thank you

When Polly disappeared you put everything you could into finding her, especially after Jason's death.

You had to know she was okay, despite your brother Reggie constantly telling you to move on from her. 

When you found out where the Cooper's had sent her you went to go see her.

The only reason you were let in was because you lied to the nun at the front desk and said you were family. 

You were the first one to find out about the pregnancy.

You were the one who broke the news to her that Jason was found dead just days before.

You were the one who held her as she cried.

Visiting hours were coming to an end, you promised you would come back to see her and you did, for weeks without anyone knowing. 

Months later the town was shocked to hear that Polly was back and pregnant with Jason's baby.

Betty had found her and brought her home. 

Betty was not happy when she learned that you had known about Polly for months and never told her.

It was the only way to keep the Blossoms from finding out, you were only doing what you thought was best for her and the baby. 

As expected, the Blossom's didn't care about Polly, they said they did but you knew they were planning on taking the baby when he or she was born and raising the child themselves. 

Polly had been staying at the Pembrooke until her baby shower, during which Penelope took it upon herself to make a scene about wanting Polly to come live with them at the Thornhill, saying they could provide everything she could possibly need.

This upset Alice who tried convincing Polly that she needed to come back home with the Coopers.

Polly told them she needed time to think so everyone left leaving you, Polly, Betty and Veronica to clean up the party.

"Maybe you should just come live with me," you said breaking the silence that filled the room.

"You mean it Y/N?" Polly asked

"Polly, I know you and Y/N have a history together but please just come home," Betty pleaded.

"Betty I can't come home, not yet," Polly told her sister.

"You know that means you'll be living with Reggie too right," Veronica scoffed.

"Reggie's barely home now a days, he's more interested in football and his social life than whatever's happening at home, you won't have to worry about him," you clarified before turning to Betty, "If Polly doesn't want to go home then she shouldn't have to and if she's staying with me at least you can come see her whenever you want, unlike what'll happen if she goes to Thornhill."

"Betty, I think living with the Mantle's is the best choice for me right now," Polly said.

"If that's what makes you happy then alright," Betty sighed.

Over the next few weeks you and Polly had become closer then ever, it felt just like when you had dated.

All of your old feelings for her came back but you never acted on them, you were afraid she wasn't over Jason which was understandable, she was pregnant with his child after all.

One night you laid on your blow-up mattress on the floor as Polly laid in your bed while you two talked.

"Y/N," Polly said softly.


"Can you come hold me?"

"Of course," you said getting up.

She shifted making space for you on the bed and you laid down next to her putting your arm around her shoulders and she rested her head on your chest.

"I miss this," she said barely audible.

"With Jason?" you asked.

"Well yeah, but with you too. If we had never broken up none of this would have ever happened, I wouldn't be pregnant and Jason might still be alive."

"Don't say that Polly, we were just in different places when we broke up, what happened to Jason isn't your fault and Jason knows that this baby is going to have the best mom ever."

She pulled herself closer into you, "Everyone keeps saying that I need to go home but the only place that feels like home is wherever I'm with you." 

You looked at Polly and she was the one who leaned in to kiss you.

You smiled at each other not saying anything, just going back to way you were before.

Soon after Polly was asleep and you could feel yourself drifting off.

Maybe things weren't perfect but Polly was right, she was home. 

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