shoot 3

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Kuroko POV

"Hey Tetsu I'm going to the bathroom I'll be right back." (F/n) said as she got up and left.

"Did I say something?"

"No the generation of Miracles is a very delicate topic for her," I said as I took a fry.

"Why I thought she would be happy to talk about them," Kagami said but I couldn't blame him. He doesn't know what happens.

"They broker her in our last game together. The captain ordered one of them to knock her out and make it look like an accident. Since then she hasn't played in over a year. Yet her skills are great like the pro she is. What hurt her most was the guy she cared for and loved order that. So she won't be able to trust you much less the others."

"So she was going out the captain of the Generation of Miracles. How in the world did she become a member? Does she have a type of style or something?"

"Well, she has a unique skill and style of basketball. She can create ways to beat someone after watching them once. As well as copy it to match her own style. Plus with her speed and reflex, it's hard to predict what she'll do." I told him as I took another fry.

"So she may know how to beat the generation of Miracles. Then she has to play basketball with us then." Kagami said as stood up.

"I know what you mean we just need her to find her reason to play again."

"Good because if I can't beat her then I won't know until I beat all five of them."

"You won't be able to Bakagami it's impossible to beat all five miracles." We both look and saw (F/n) standing there holding an empty bag.

"Welcome back"

Kagami POV

Is she just looking down on me what's her problem? All she says we won't make it or we won't win.

"Why do you keep putting negative comments every time we talk?"

"Because it's true what's the point to even fight against them if you know they never lose. Save yourself from the embarrassment and give up before you and the others get hurt." She said as she places her food in the bag.

"Tetsu and I are both shadows no team wants two shadows. Therefore I'm just an assistant coach I don't want to cause anyone any more trouble."

"So what just because you gave up others should give up too. There no way the team will do that. Plus I'm going to prove to you that I will beat the generation of miracles." She just stared at me with the same expressionless face.

"I see well then I wish you luck Bakagami. Tetsu I'll see you at home I got a call from my manager about next weekend. Also, I don't want to waste time on these stupid discussions with Bakagami." She said as she left with her food in a bag.

"Well, she won't be happy about what I ask the coach," Kuroko said as he kept eating.

"What do you mean she won't be happy? What did you do?"

"I might have told the coach to keep her application to join the team a secret from her," Kuroko said.

Next day

Your POV

I finish packing our lunches and for some reason, the coach asked me to bring extra clothes. I don't like where this is going one bit.

"Morning (F/n)" Tetsu said as he places his bag next to his chair.

"Morning Tetsu I already made lunch and breakfast. So eat up you're going to need the energy for today." I said as he thanked me for the meal.

Once we were done eating I place the dishes to wash later. We grab our bags lunches and shoes and headed out to school.

"Hey, Tetsu I was wondering does Bakagami really think he can beat them?" I asked as he seems a bit confused at what I'm saying.

"Come on we both know that he can't win without any help. To me, that's just not a good enough reason to play. Plus let's face it even if he did there's no chance for him to beat them again. Bakagami really is an idiot who thinks anything is possible."

"I think it's possible I'm willing to be his shadow in order for them to come back like before. I want you to join us and see that it was possible." Tetsu said as he smiled softly.

"Tetsu honestly has he brainwashed you or something?"

"No, it's just my own thought. I made a promise and I'm going to keep it." He said just as we arrive at the school. I saw Bakagami coming as well. I don't want to waste time with him at all.

"Tetsu I'll see you in class okay?"


I began to run ahead making sure no one sees me. As I change shoes I got a text from someone. It's from my manager saying she wanted to tell me something very important in person. I sent her my response about basketball, but she wrote she'll be coming after practice.

'Jeez talk about timing I hope Tetsu doesn't tell them about my secret.' I finish putting on my shoes and went to class and waited since I sat in the back where I hid easily.

Time skip lunchtime

Kagami POV

As I finish eating lunch I began to walk around. I notice that (F/n) wasn't around a lot. She's probably avoiding me as if I care about what she thinks about me. I looked outside and see her walking to the gym and I got curious about what she's doing there.

'I wonder is she going to play in secret?' I began to run towards the gym and make sure she doesn't hear me. When I reached where she was she did this pose that I have never seen before.

'What are you up to?'

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