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Your POV

Ever since the game of Kaijo and Touou we've been working really hard to get stronger. Coach and I have been working on strategy ways and methods on how to beat Aomine and his team. Not only that we've been coming up with plans against Midorima and Kise teams as well. Since then I've been benched to keep me as a trump card. I've also taken the job of bringing the guys lunch and food to give them energy instead of the powders and pills that the coach keeps trying to sneak in. Though she's not very good at hiding them which causes her more miles to run.

"Damn it!" I looked up to see Kagami screaming in anger. We just finished another practice match which as result we won. So with the extra money I've saved up, we came to eat at a restaurant as a job well done for the guys. Yet as of lately Kagami has been working on using both hands instead of just using his right.

'Looks like he missed again idiot.'

"Kagami shut up already!" Hyuga senpai said as I held my laughter.

"Uh, sorry about that," he said

"Broccoli is so slippery," Teppei senpai said with a smile.

'That's not the point though.'

"Is that the problem?" Hyuga senpai asked.

"What is he doing?" Kogenai senpai asked as the other looked at Kagami.

"Bakagami here is practicing," I said while using my non-dominant hand to eat.

"What? How is it you can use your other hand too!?" He yelled as I rolled my eyes.

"Bakagami just shut up and keep practicing your left hand," I said as he tries to grab the Broccoli again.

"As you know Kagami is practicing using his left hand. In order for him to use it better, he's only using his left hand in ways like trying to use his chopsticks while eating or practicing basketball." I said while Nigō head pop out of the bag from my lap to catch the Broccoli that Kagami dropped again.

" I said while Nigō head pop out of the bag from my lap to catch the Broccoli that Kagami dropped again

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"Damn you Nigō! Give that back!"  Kagami yelled as Nigō went back inside the bag.

"Kagami you can have it back after a few hours are you sure you would want to eat it?" I said as he shut and sat back down. Seeing that it would be pointless then.

"Here have the rest of my food," I place my plate in front of him as he thanked me and kept trying to use his left hand.

"By the way, what do you want to do tomorrow?" Furihata-kun asked as looked at my phone to check the time.

"We finally have the day off," Kawahara-kun said happy to know we have a day off.

"Well, I'll probably sleep mostly," Fukuda-kun said as I couldn't help but smile.

"H-hey! Why don't we do this?" Furihata-kun suggested as he showed us a flyer in his hand.

"Oh street basketball," Kawahara-kun said as looked at the flyer.

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