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Hello everyone this is another Midorima x reader chapter. I had so much fun in the last one I decided why not make it another. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Midorima POV

"That's all you may have the rest of the class period to finish up the work," The teacher said as I sigh while looking at my hand. It's been a month since she quit and lately, it's been boring without her there to talk to. It wasn't long until Kuroko left too and I have classes with him still.

"Um, Midorima can you help me with this problem?" A girl asked as she stood in front of me with the work we were given.

"Didn't you pay attention in class? You do realize this is going to be on our exam," I said not caring if I was rude to her.

"Well I... um," she seemed a bit ashamed and looked ready to cry. The bell rang as I got up and made my way out of the class to go to the basketball practice.

"Was it me or did Midorima seem in a foul mood today?" I heard a few of them say out loud as I walk away.

"Oh, Shin-chan heading to practice?" I saw (F/n) standing there with a smile.

"Yeah are you heading home too?"

"I'm head to dance practice," she said a bit embarrassed.

"Didn't expect you to be a dancer," I said as she laughed softly. She seem a bit more lively than before which made me glad that she's feeling better.

"Well I did start as a beginner when we were first years, but it a good way to let distract me from the stress that I've been having. Not to mention it was Akashi who took me there one time just so I see what it was like. Now I just dance to distract myself from being bored and see if it's something I would enjoy doing for the rest of my life. So do you want to come with me next time you have off? I could use a dance partner to practice," she said with a smile as I felt my heart beating faster.

"Sure," we walked beside each other in silence but it didn't feel awkward, but it felt like we didn't need to say much.

"Hey isn't that the vice-captain with her?"

"Yeah, you don't think they're dating?"

We passed a few other classmates and hear them whispering about us. Ever since they broke up a lot of people have been talking about their break up and what could cause them to separate.

"I wonder if Akashi-kun is mad that they're together," someone said as we sigh.

"People sure like to talk," she said as I couldn't agree more.

"It's quite annoying, but eventually things will quiet down and we'll be able to enjoy the quiet time we have." She smiled as kept walking.

'Graduation will soon come and we won't see each other often like now.'

"Shin-chan since we're going to be in different schools next year, I was wondering if you ever get a girlfriend will you stop hanging out with me?" She asked as I was surprised about her question.

"Why would I do that? If the girl I'm dating doesn't like you then I don't want anything to do with her." She seem surprised by my answer but started to laugh.

"Are laughing about me!"

"No, it's just you make it sound like I'm your mom," I blush seeing it did sound like that.

"Well... I... shut up, Nanodayo!" I began to walk away quickly as she apologize.

"Shin-chan I'm sorry, but I'm glad you said that," I looked over to her as my cheeks were still red.

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