Cop VS Criminal

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Luke is the city's best cop, no criminal gets past him.

Ashton is the city's best criminal, he always gets past Luke.

Luke slammed the police car door closed.

"What's going on?" He demanded, walking up to the door of a jewelry store. "Why was I called down here?"

An officer walked up to him. "It's him again sir. Your thief."

Luke sighed heavily. "Let's get this over with then."

You might be confused right now. You see, Luke has his own thief. Well kind of anyways. His name is Ashton and he took a liking to Luke, ever since Luke almost caught him the first time Ashton ever stole. The first time it was because he needed the money; the second time it was just to piss off Luke. Luke is the city's best cop, no criminal has ever gotten past him. Except for a Ashton of course, he slipped through Luke's fingers 15 times so far, thus earning the name Luke's little thief.

It drove Luke crazy, knowing that he was out there and that he was famous for getting past him. Luke was determined to bring him in, no matter the cost.

"Brief me." Luke said to the officer as he entered the store. "What happened?"

"Your little th-uh, Ashton, broke in through that window, setting off the alarm. But he smashed through the glass case before we arrived, making off with two diamond rings and a necklace valued at 8,000$." He handed Luke a note. "He also left this. It's for you."

Luke uncrumpled the note.

Hey cutie ;) if it helps, you were closer to catching me than last time XD not really ❤ you can try again tomorrow, i'll be at the park, stealing some kids ice cream, lets make it a date shall we? i'll be the one in the mask ;) you give me meaning, being your little thief is the best, maybe one day i'll steal your virginity ;) later lovely

Luke cursed loudly, crumpling up the note and throwing it to the ground.

"Cocky son of a bitch." He muttered, running his hands through his hair.

He went up to the store manager. "I'm gunna need to see your security tapes." The man nodded. "They're in the back, follow me."

Luke followed him to the back room. He took off his sunglasses and watched as the man played the tapes.

The manager fast forwarded it to half an hour ago.

The tape showed the store. Luke saw a figure come up to the window, leave, then return with a giant rock. The rock flew through the window, making glass fly everywhere. People inside ran, including the woman behind the counter.

Ashton strode in. He looked up at the camera and pulled off his mask. He winked and waved his fingers.

He picked up the rock and smashed the glass case, picking up two rings and a necklace. Police cars parked outside the entrance. Ashton looked at them and ran out the exit he had made. The officers ran in. Two broke off to chase him. Five minutes later Luke showed up and the man stopped the tape.

Luke slammed his hand on the table, making the man jump.

"Dammit!" He walked back to the front. "Where are those two officers who chased the thief?"

"Uh, here sir." Two cops approached him.

"Did you catch him? Did you at least see where he went?" Luke demanded.

"Uh no, he was far into the city and we lost him." The first said.

"The city? Are you sure?" Luke asked.

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