Luke's Flower Child

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Luke bought the pot at a vanishing kiosk. He kept it in the sunshine and watered it regularly.

He never expected to grow his own real life flower child.


Luke was walking home from work, when he saw the kiosk.

It had never been there before, he should know, he walked the same way home every day.

Out of curiosity he stopped and looked around at the strange items that were on display.

One item looked the most normal and it caught his attention.

It was an orange ceramic pot, filled with black soil.

It was tiny. He could have fit three of them on his hand. He picked it up and studied it, wondering what was growing inside.

"Twenty dollars." A voice said and Luke jumped, nearly dropping the pot.

He fumbled with it and set it back on the stand. "Sorry, what?"

"The pot is twenty dollars." The man behind the counter said. (incoming drug pot comments)

"Oh." Luke looked at the pot and shrugged. "Okay I'll buy it." He paid the man and picked up the small pot again.

When he got home he placed it on his windowsill, where it would get some sun.

He poured some fresh water on it and then instantly felt stupid.

"Oh my God, I didn't even ask that man if there were seeds in here!" He face palmed and sighed.

"Alright, I'll just buy some tomorrow. Oh hey kitties." He bent down and petted his two cats, Calum and Michael. (yes I did that)

"No knocking over daddy's flowers, okay?" Luke stood up and got ready for bed.

Michael jumped up onto the windowsill and poked the small pot with a paw.

Calum meowed at him and jumped up too. He sniffed the pot before losing interest and left.

Michael batted at the pot some more. He bent down and studied it closely. He meowed and pushed it across the windowsill, dangerously close to the edge.

"Mikey! No!" Luke gasped and ran to the window and pushed Michael off. "Bad kitty! You can't have it!"

He shoved both cats out of the room and shut the door.

He sighed and climbed into bed, shutting off the lights.


The next morning, the first thing Luke did was inspect the pot.

He was surprised. A small green bud had bloomed overnight.

"Wow, I guess there is some seeds in here already." He shrugged and got ready for work, watering the plant before he left.

All day he was oddly excited. It wasn't even a big deal, but Luke was eager to know what was growing inside the pot. What kind of plant grows that fast?

When he got home, he ran upstairs and checked on the pot. The bud had grown a little bigger.

Luke was astonished.

He set up a small screen around the window, so his cats wouldn't break the pot.

He watered it a little more and waited, watching the pot for movement. But after an hour, it was still the same size.

He sighed and went downstairs, just as the plant sprouted a petal.


One week later, the flower had grown tall, and was surrounded by bright, red and gold petals. Luke kept it in the sun and watered it, but it didn't grow anymore.

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