89. Missing.

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"Audrey." Nialll murmured in my ear, pulling from my sleep.

"Yeah?" I muttered, rolling over. 

"The boys and I have an interview today. Did you want to come?" He asked. I opened my eyes and noticed he was also just waking up. I sucked in a deep breath, stretching my arms over my head.

"Yeah, just let me get dressed." I replied, sitting up. He smiled, pressing a kiss to my cheek.

“Are you going to shower first?” Niall asked as I puled the covers off my legs, Niall smirked.

“You can go first, I don’t care.” I mumbled, Niall picked out a random outfit from his suitcase and turned to the bathroom.

“We could shower together and save time and water.” He said his voice full of amusement,

“Niall! It's to early for your pervertedness!” I said throwing a pillow at him, he laughed and ducked into the bathroom. I sighed and turned to my own suitcase, I sighed again, the whole thing looking like it had exploded, spitting my clothes everywhere. Niall’s suitcase was worse so I didn't feel so bad. I picked out my outfit while I folded and put away my clothes, seeing as we would be heading to Scotland tonight. Niall finished in the shower and I took his spot in the bathroom. I smiled when I saw 'I love you!' written in the steam on the mirror.

“Love you more!” I shouted through the closed door, and smiled at Niall’s responding laugh. I took a quick shower and dressed in my outfit. I walked back into the room and found Niall had picked up his own suitcase and tidied the room a bit. I wondered into the living room where the boys where still waking up. Louis, Cat and Zayn where on the couch their eyes closed, Liam was in the small kitchen drinking coffee, and Niall was eating the last of the chips.

“What time is Paul showing up?” I asked, Liam shrugged, “That's good to know. Is there any food left?” I asked, Liam shook his head no.

“Niall ate the last of what we had this morning.” He said, his voice sleepy. I sighed, 

“We can ask if we can stop at a drive through or something.” Zayn mumbled from the couch. I sat at on the counter pouring myself a cup of coffee and adding a huge amount of sugar.

“Oh my word, your going to be bouncing off the walls.” Liam commented, I stuck my tongue out at him.

“No one asked your opinion, besides it's not the sugar that affects me... it's the caffeine.” I said a wicked smile on my face. Liam and Niall both gave me worried looks,

“Should we be warned?” Niall asked, I sighed and nodded.

“Yeah, probably. Ma wouldn’t allow me drink coffee after what happened at the wedding.” I said, smiling at the memory, taking a sip from my mug.

“What happened?” Liam asked leaning against the counter. 

“Hmm, I had a Starbuck’s expresso about an hour before the ceremony, and by the time I was supposed to walk down the aisle I was so keyed up, I couldn't pay attention for more than a few seconds. I was bouncy, and hyper. Yeah not good. I missed my turn and the bride walked down the aisle without any flowers on her walkway.” I shook my head and took another sip, “Then during the reception while the bride and groom had their first dance together, I was standing in the middle of the dance floor doing what ever dance move I felt like doing.” I laughed. “I guess thats what happens when you give a 6 year old coffee.” I said taking another sip, Liam and Niall exchanged a worried look. The room door opened and Paul walked in,

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