Together (Sick & Hurt Liam) EDITED

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Liam's POV

"Liam, you coming?" Louis asks him and the rest of the guys all dressed to go out and party. They linger by the hotel room door anxious for my answer.

"No, you guys go. I'm exhausted." I answer honestly already slipping my clothes from the concert off, anxious to get to bed. 

They shrug it off and leave with some bright farewells. 

"Don't be out to late! We have an interview in the morning!" I yell out the door rolling my eyes with a smile even through there is a pain in my side that has been bothering me all night.

I shed my clothes quickly before hitting the showers anxious to rid myself of the sweat I worked up from the concert and hoping that the hot water will help me with my pain.

It doesn't take long for my stomach to take sudden violent turn. I groan bending over trying not to get sick using the shower walls for support so I don't fall to the wet, slick tile beneath me.

My stomach takes another violent turn forcing me to heave up everything I had previously eaten onto the tile below covering my feet and the tub with it.

I stay like that doubled over in the shower, the hot water running down my trembling body for what seems like ages. Slowly so I don't get sick again I straighten out, turning off the water. 

Using the shower walls again for support I get out of the tub drying off cautiously. Sliding into a pair of sweatpants I head back into the room I am sharing with Louis and Harry. Not daring to touch the mini fridge, even though I havn't ate much all day, I lie down on my bed letting unconsciousness take me over. 

Louis's POV

"Paul and Liam are going to kill us." I hiss under my breath to the lads as we head upstairs in the elevator. 

"It can't be that late." Harry argues worry in his voice.

"It's 3 in the freakin morning lads and we have to be up at 8." I reply running a stressed hand through my hair. "I guess it really is Liam that usually watches the clock." 

"Tomorrow is going to be full of caffeine." Zayn sighs as the doors open to our floor.

We split up there, Zayn and Niall heading further down the hall well Harry and I enter the room that was right outside of the elevators. 

We enter to the soft sounds of Liam's snores. 

"I guess he really was exhausted." Harry laughs going over to Liam. 

I head into the bathroom slipping out of my party clothes and brushing my teeth. I scrunch up my nose in disgust when the smell of vomit fills my senses. 

"Louis! Somethings wrong with Liam! He's trembling!" Harry yells from the other room sending me dashing back into the room where Harry is knelt down by Liam's bed wrapping blankets around our friend. 

"He must be coming down with something. It smells of vomit in the bathroom." I reply feeling guilty for leaving our friend sick at the hotel well we went out and partied. 

Harry drapes another blanket over Liam before turning to his own bed, slipping off his clothes and slidding under the covers. 

"If he isn't better in the morning we'll tell Paul." Harry promises sleep already in his voice. 

I make a noise of agreeement sliding into my own bed and letting much needed sleep overcome me as well. 

Harry's POV

"Wake up! Harry?!" Liam's voice fills my peaceful sleep making me groan and burry my head further into the pillows. I feel the blankets be ripped away from me, leaving me exposed and shivering.

"Ok, I'm up." I grumble stretching throwing my feet over the side of the bed groggily. I look up to see that Liam is already dressed for the interview and Louis was groggily getting ready. 

"How late were you guys out?" Liam asks throwing me my clothes.

"3." Louis replies fixing his hair.

"Guys! I knew I should have gone with you, you four can't keep track of time to save your lives. I'm heading out to make sure Zayn and Niall are up." Liam sighs giving me the chance to take in his full appearnece for the first time. Exhaustion was clear in his brown eyes and he was slightly paler than normal. 

"You ok mate?" I ask getting dressed watching Liam worriedly out of the corner of my eye.

"Better than what you guys will be if Paul finds out," he jokes smiling at me visibly trying to reassure me even though the joke didn't meet his eyes. Before me or Lou could question him further he slips out the door heading to make sure Zayn and Niall are up.

"Somethings wrong with him," Louis says his eyes on the door worry in his eyes.

"He's up and functioning. Let's just keep an eye on him if he gets worse we confront him and tell Paul," I reply knowing that Liam wouldn't want to make a big deal out of some lousy stomach bug he might have picked up. 

"We'll keep it between you and me. No sense in worrying the others." Lou agrees just as the door opens again and in comes Liam. 

"Did you get the others up?" I ask biting back a grin knowing how difficult Zayn could be in the morning. 

"I threw water on Zayn but he's up." he replies laughing lightly. 

"It's 8:30. We have to go." Paul says poking his head into our room.

"Good morning to you too Paul!" Louis yells pulling on his shoes. 

I smile walking out the door past Paul with Louis and Liam close behind.

Liam's POV

I take a breath making the pain in my lower abdomen hurt more. I shift unconfortably in the chair I sit in well Lou fixes up the other guys' hair. I can feel the nausea that had hit me last night rise up again with a vengance from the pit of my stomach. I let out a low whimper. 

"Come on mate. Let's get you to a bathroom." Harry's voice fills my ears his hand resting gently on my shoulder. I nod weakly not caring at the moment about how he knew just needing to get to a rest room.

Harry helps me out of the chair wrapping an arm around me guiding me to the closest bathroom.

As soon as the bathroom door closes behind us I let myself slide down to the floor. I head over to the the toilets emptying the small breakfast I had into the bowel. I feel Harry's soothing hand rub my back comfortingly. 

"What's wrong Li?" Harry asks sliding down beside me after I had stopped gagging stomach acid into the bowel. 

"Bad stomach bug I think," I reply leaning my head against the cool tile wall. Rubbing my lower abdomen trying to rid myself of the pain. 

"Can you go on?" he asks concern in his green eyes. 

"Yeah, just give me a second. After this I promsie I'll go back to the hotel and rest." I reassure him. 

Harry nods in response keeping a hand resting on my back as I pull myself together. 

"I'm ready." I say after a good 5 minutes knowing the interview is going to begin any second. 

Harry gets up first before offering me his hand. He pulls me up and leads me out the door. 

Just let me make it through this I silently plea. 

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