Please be a dream

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The Weasleys all walked together upon the return of Voldemort. Percy was looking all over for Grace. He was so distracted, he didn't even notice Voldemort was there until he heard his menacing voice.

"Harry Potter is dead!" Voldemort shouted in a sing songy voice. "Harry Potter is dead!"

Percy turned and saw Ginny rushing to him, screaming, "NO!" Arthur ran and held her back. Percy's face was entirely ghost-like when he saw Harry. He was laying lifeless in Hagrid's arms. And laying lifeless on the other side of Hagrid's arm was Grace. Her face was white, her body was bloodied.

"...and let Grace be a reminder to what happens if you cross me," He finished.

Percy shook his head before falling back into George.

He was only gone for a few seconds, he woke when George slapped his face a few times.

"It was a dream George... please tell me it was a dream... she's not... she's not..." Percy rambled.

George shook his head. "It wasn't a dream..."

Percy got up quickly. "Avada ked-"

George slapped Percy's wand to the ground. "What the hell are you doing?"

"He kills Grace, I kill him," Percy said, reaching for his wand.

"Percy you're not thinking straight," George said.

Molly slapped the back of both of their heads. Percy stiffened and held back tears.

"But it's Grace, Mum," Percy whispered. "Sh-she's..."

During their small fight, Draco joined the other death eaters. He looked sadly at Grace and Harry.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled to her, although she could not hear.

Percy shook his head. He remembered what Grace had told him at the lake. The prophecy. "No... no she knew it... she knew it."

"Percy shut the fuck up," Bill hissed through his teeth, losing his cool for once.

Percy shook his head, about to move forward, Molly tried to grab his arm but George held her back. Percy gulped and walked forward, Neville walked in front of him. Percy's eyes widened and he stepped back.

"They'll never love me... I just needed a way for them to notice me... I just needed- I needed a friend," Percy cried into Graces chest. "I'm so pathetic... Pathetic Percy... that's a great one."

"Percy you're not pathetic... I will never believe you're pathetic... you're perfect in my eyes," Grace said.

Percy shook his head. "... it won't matter... they hate me... why would they love someone like me? I'm not strong or kind or funny... I'm just a mistake," Percy said.

Grace shook her head, wiping a tear. "You're a gift, Percy. Percy... your mum told me she miscarried before she had you... clearly you're here for a reason."

"And what reason is that?" Percy asked, looking up at her.

"Well to be my perfect hero."

Everyone jolted back as Harry launched himself out of Hagrids arms. Cheering began as Harry fought back, Percy's eyes flew back to where Grace was. He prayed to God that her time to wake up would be soon. Hagrid came running toward the Weasleys.

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